
Noggin Quotes

Noggin by John Corey Whaley

Noggin Quotes
"Listen—I was alive once and then I wasn’t. Simple as that. Now I’m alive again."
"They say we’re the only species on the planet with the knowledge of our own impending doom."
"Trust me when I tell you that everything can go from fine and dandy to dark and depressing faster than you can say 'acute lymphoblastic leukemia.'"
"I want to tell you a story about how you can suddenly wake up to find yourself living a life you were never supposed to live."
"Hospitals. I knew hospitals. I knew them like most kids know their own homes."
"I’m going to tell you the truth here and say that I never, not once, not even for a tiny second, thought this crazy shit would work."
"I didn’t understand a damn thing that was going on. So how come it felt so familiar, every motion and breath and sound?"
"Some people say dying alone is a fate worse than death itself. Well, they should try being alone during the living part sometimes."
"You can find ways to be okay with dying, but you can’t fake your way through living."
"I wanted to be with you alone. And talk about the weather."
"I thought maybe if I kept looking, I might find one titled 'So You’ve Just Come Out of Cryosleep to Find That Your Girlfriend Is Engaged and Your Best Friend Is Trapped in the Closet?'"
"I wasn’t sure she was even a real person. I’d never seen her move from that spot."
"She knew it wasn’t his place and that he probably wouldn’t be able to understand Lawrence and me anyway."
"It felt so right. It was so comfortable to just be moving and breathing."
"You know things are weird when you start appreciating your farts."
"I’m scared too, man. We can handle this together, right?"
"You’re telling me one of the two people on Earth to come back from the dead walks into my house and I can’t even see the scar?"
"Dying’s hard enough without everyone reminding you all the time."
"You’re a cheesy bastard sometimes, you know that?"
"It’s like if I could be as different from all the stereotypes about gay guys as possible, then it would just go away."
"It’s like watching an actor slowly separating himself from his most famous character, like he was shedding an artificial skin."
"Secrets will boil under your skin until it feels like every time you speak, every time you look in the mirror, every time you hug someone or kiss someone or tell someone you love them, it feels like you’re going to die."
"Maybe we all just exist, all versions of us exist at all times, and we have to figure out a way to get to each of them, to find each one and tell that version that it’s okay, that it’s all just the way it works, a concept too powerful to ignore but too complicated to explain."
"I wouldn’t have minded just closing my eyes right then and letting go."
"You don’t have to tell someone you love them if they already know it in every molecule of their body."
"We had a long-standing rule that everyone in our small family would give only two gifts, big or small, expensive or cheap, to everyone else."
"I don’t even want this if it’s a million dollars. If I can just have you here every Christmas till I’m dead, then I don’t need anything else."
"So this is... a thousand bucks? Dad, come on. That’s ridiculous. What am I going to do with all this?"
"Losing you was the worst thing I could ever imagine happening. I can’t do that again, you know."
"We ate healthy and we stopped drinking caffeine and alcohol. We exercised every day and took fistfuls of vitamins because we were determined that no matter what we did, no matter what our lives became, we would live to see you again."
"I had to let other people in or I’d die too."
"We all get people that help us make sense of the world, right? We just have to figure out how to keep them however we can."