
Covet Quotes

Covet by J.R. Ward

Covet Quotes
"Live and let live, Adrian. It's better for everyone."
"You should go over there. Introduce yourself."
"Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti…."
"I don’t need help anymore, you know. I can take my own bath."
"Thinking back on that ad, she wished like hell she were just a waitress… and that all it would take to make her stress go away was a tub you plugged into the wall."
"He’d only been dreaming. That shit about those four dainty wing nuts and the castle and everything had just been a weird dream. Thank God."
"Seven deadly sins. Seven souls swayed by these sins. Seven people at a crossroads with a choice that must be made. You enter their lives and affect their path."
"If they choose righteousness over sin, we prevail."
"But as much as he wanted to go with the whole it’s-only-a-dream thing, the shit was so vivid, so fresh… and men might get hairy palms if they were pumping themselves off, but grassy?"
"I don’t like nurses. Or doctors. Or dogs. Or angels… saints… whatever those four lads were."
"He’d thought he’d left all that freaky bullshit behind. He thought that second-sight crap was solidly in his past."
"She wanted to ask him if he was all right every minute of every day, but obviously she couldn’t do that."
"She never would have seen this coming. Not the descent downward or the hard landing as she’d bottomed out and turned to prostitution."
"His eyes searched the crowd. It was clear she didn’t like accepting the help, but she wasn’t stupid."
"Because you’re going to die tonight, he thought."
"Jim’s voice registered from a distance: 'Vin? What’s up?'"
"Because if I were with you, I would want you to pick me."
"I have to stop going there before I went totally mad."
"I’m not the kind of guy who…fucks around with other women."
"Just need a little more coffee before we go."
"The only thing I have in common with Julia Roberts in that movie is that I get to pick who I’m with."
"I leave big tips. I know how bad it can be, working in a service industry."
"You should take a day off. You look really tired."
"No, it’s the ones behind your eyes that make you seem worn down."
"Running her palms up his arms, she felt as if the two of them were suspended in air, tethered by choice, not trapped by circumstance."
"Neither am I. But I will guarantee that whatever you choose to show me I’m going to like because it’s you."
"Would you rather do this with the lights off?"
"This has to be hard for you. Even if it felt right, it has to be hard."
"Other memories will take the place of all that. It’s going to take time, but it will happen."
"Right, okay, that’s not a good thing at a time like this. Five minutes from now? Perfect. At this moment? Not so hot."
"You are so welcome. Just go up on those elevators by the gift shop."
"I think we’re going to have to get you a bigger blazer."
"I like Quinesha. I don’t want other arrangements."
"You’re mine, Vin. And I always take what is mine."
"I need to know how it went down. With Devina. Tell me everything—Shit…not everything. But how did she come on to you?"
"When I looked into her eyes…I felt satisfied for the first time."
"I’m worried about Marie-Terese. If Devina can do this to me, what isn’t she capable of, you know?"
"He’s alive!" Jim called out as he leaped forward.
"It wasn’t until I was five and went to kindergarten that I learned the hard way other kids couldn’t move forks without touching them or stop the rain in their backyards or know what was going to be for dinner without talking to their mothers."
"I think a parent’s job is to protect their kids."
"You’re free now. You’re free of him and you’re not doing that…other shit anymore. You’re free."
"You can’t look back and cross-examine everything. You did the best you could with where you were—"
"I wanted to be free from prying eyes, to be able to do as I chose without worrying about being caught."
"No more hiding weapons, covering tracks, disguising himself, sneaking around."
"She helped me, told me what to do, and even though I didn’t believe in it, I went home and did what she said…and everything changed."
"You did what you needed to in order to survive."
"I figured out pretty damn quick to shut my mouth about what I could do, and it wasn’t hard to hide."
"For a small price, you can have exactly what you want."
"Interesting…one of them was from that hideous club."