
Duke Of Midnight Quotes

Duke Of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt

Duke Of Midnight Quotes
"He was like a jungle cat—wild and without a trace of compassion—and like a jungle cat his attack held no hesitation."
"Once upon a time she had believed that most people were kind."
"For a man in but his thirty-third year he was rather battered."
"Maximus began taking off his waistcoat. It seemed a waste of time to dress and then undress again five minutes later every morning, but a duke never appeared in dishabille—even within his own house."
"He held the position, breathing deeply, his arms beginning to tremble."
"But Apollo couldn’t help but wonder. When he was gone, who would worry over Artemis?"
"The stink of the bucket that served as his commode to be emptied."
"He must be well into his fifties, but one couldn’t tell by his countenance: he looked like he could be any age from thirty to seventy."
"Artemis’s fingers tightened about the thing the Ghost of St. Giles had left in her hand."
"Apollo opened his eyes and took both his sister’s hands in his."
"The Duke of Wakefield’s eyes were a deep, rich brown, like coffee newly brewed, like walnut wood oiled and polished, like seal fur shining in the light."
"Miss Greaves didn’t seem at all worried that her cousin had nearly caused both their deaths in St. Giles."
"Maximus flexed his left hand, feeling the unaccustomed lightness."
"Scarborough looked suspiciously crestfallen. 'Oh, dear, I hadn’t thought of that, my lady.'"
"It wasn’t as if she was doing anything wrong, but she liked the idea of moving unseen. Of not having to answer to anyone."
"This time was precious and there was no point in using it to mourn past sorrows."
"She could lose herself here. Cast off her clothing and become a wild thing, escaping civilization and society, another animal in the woods."
"One always thinks one’s upbringing—one’s family—is perfectly normal, don’t you think?"
"You’re right. I do have to save my brother because if you do not I will tell everyone in England that you are the Ghost of St. Giles."
"I’m not used to so many visitors this late at night. Ridley, why not send your cronies away and you and I can settle this over a nice cup of tea."
"You mistake me, Miss Greaves. It’s the gin and its ungodly trade I care about—not where it’s plied."
"You know how to swim? We had three governesses. They’d stay for months or even a year or so, and then Papa would run out of money and have to let them go."
"Would it make a difference if I were bothered? I have some other skills not usually seen in ladies: swimming, as I told you, and how to shoot a gun."
"No gentleman should let his delicately bred daughter grow to womanhood without the most basic instruction of her station."
"I’ve never understood the last, as she’s a virgin goddess."
"What exertions had built such massive shoulders, such bulging upper arms, and such a deep chest? This body had been honed to fight. This was the body of a dangerous warrior."
"There’s nothing between us now—neither your past nor mine. Your rank and titles mean nothing here."
"He was so hard, so wide, so absolutely perfect, he might’ve been made expressly for her."
"I am your equal, my lord. Your equal and mate."
"Reality was a screeching harridan who never could be made happy."
"If she couldn’t have happiness, then she could at least have this."
"You are so hot, so wet for me, I would stay here within you forever, holding you, compelling your submission."
"Weep for me. Bear my pain. Take my come. For I can give you nothing else."
"He wears one of my mother’s emerald drops. I asked him about the other, and do you know what he said? He told me to look within my own house."
"That’s it. Weep for me. Bear my pain. Take my come. For I can give you nothing else."
"What I do in the privacy of my own home is no business of anyone’s but mine."
"You have nothing to be ashamed of. This is entirely Maximus’s fault."
"He keeps the books in his library ranked by language, then age, then author, then alphabetically."
"Either my brother has a brain fever or he’s fallen hard in love with you."
"The entire gardens are alight," Artemis whispered, awed.
"You are a loathsome man who will never be even one-hundredth the man Maximus is."
"I love you, my Diana. I’ve loved you, I think, since I discovered you walking barefoot in my woods."
"How can I live with myself if the innocents we protect are thrown into the street?"