
Mai Tai'd Up Quotes

Mai Tai'd Up by Alice Clayton

Mai Tai'd Up Quotes
"I could feel my blush rise as my father toasted me and my fiancé."
"Was the clap a little harder than necessary? Yes."
"My intended, Charles Preston Sappington, rose to his feet."
"I felt Charles’ hand on the back of my neck."
"Don’t you think you’ve had enough, dear? That wedding dress barely fits as it is."
"She’s getting married! She should enjoy this night!"
"Honestly, Thomas, I hardly think it’s appropriate to tease her like that."
"My mother’s neck turned three shades of red."
"Divorced for the last six years after twenty-two years of bickering."
"I wanted more of that sinful artichoke soufflé."
"‘So, you ready for tomorrow?’ he asked as we watched the room."
"I sighed, wondering not for the first time why I sighed every time someone asked me about the wedding."
"‘Kiddo?’ he asked, concern crossing his handsome face."
"Honestly, I felt like a bobblehead at times."
"What would happen if I jumped onto a table and started screaming?"
"Be a good girl and go thank them for coming."
"Parents’ house. Sorority house. Parents’ house. Husband’s house?"
"Too much artichoke soufflé? I’ll never tell."
"Have to keep those lawns as green as possible, even when there was a drought, you know."
"But today when I shuffled into the kitchen, I saw something I had never seen there before. Donuts."
"She failed to notice that Terrance flinched when she said ‘the help.’"
"I loved my mother, but it sure was hard to like her sometimes."
"I don’t want to marry Charles Preston Sappington."
"Oh, please, like you’ll know how to get her back on track after this?"
"I don’t want to marry Charles Preston Sappington. Not today. Not any day."
"I sped out of my neighborhood, took a few crazy turns, and headed out onto the highway."
"Finally, Charles and I found ourselves alone in front of the restaurant."
"Charles laughed, thinking this particular squall was over."
"I am just beginning to understand what I’ve done, Mother. How about you?"
"I knew couldn’t dodge those two much longer."
"I was a slim girl; genetics plus a Southern California lifestyle had made me so."
"I’m not marrying Charles Preston Sappington. Not today. Not any day!"
"He was the most perfectly put-together whirlwind you’ve ever seen."
"I was Miss Golden State. He was my final tiara after a lifetime of pretty and prancing."
"For goodness’ sake, who are these alleged people? Accountants? Pencil pushers?"
"‘Would have been nice if you’d told me,’ I replied, and he chuckled."
"This was going to be very hard work, physically and emotionally."
"I can hardly stay there forever. How adult would it be for me to just go from living in my mother’s house to living in my father’s vacation home?"
"The house is yours for however long you want it."
"I hate to think of all that land going to waste."
"I’m pretty sure the meanest street in Monterey is the one without a Starbucks."
"You never know who could be out there, just looking for a pretty girl like you to—"
"My mother could irritate me faster than anyone on the planet."
"It wasn’t her fault that her tiara princess had course-corrected and 'rebelled'."
"I’d love it if you never mentioned him again, okay?"
"I know what you think: stupid, pretty Chloe can’t handle her own problems. But I got this, okay?"
"I just wanted to take care of it on my own, you know?"
"I’m so embarrassed. It’s just been a weird day."
"You think I don’t know whether I have a boyfriend or not?"
"Love isn’t everything, Chloe, it just isn’t."
"It doesn’t matter if she wants me back, because the thing is... I don’t want her."
"But he also seemed to understand why I’d stopped him, why I needed to make sure that when this finally happened, we were both in the clear."
"And when I walked into that shed and saw those dogs, I knew I was in way over my head."
"Without knowing what I was doing or a thought to the consequences, I climbed over the plywood railing, landing next to the dog."
"I couldn’t help it; I couldn’t leave him there. I needed to do something, anything."
"You did so well, but I need to listen to this guy now, okay? Shhh, Chlo, shhh. You did great."
"You did great tonight, Chloe. You know that?"