
The Thank You Economy Quotes

The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk

The Thank You Economy Quotes
"No relationships should be taken for granted. They are what life is all about, the whole point."
"The only thing that will never change is human nature."
"Real business isn’t done in board meetings; it’s done over a half-eaten plate of buffalo wings at the sports bar."
"Social media has made it possible for consumers to interact with businesses in a way that is often similar to how they interact with their friends and family."
"The secret to these companies’ success is that at some level, they figured out how to put into practice a number of the ideas I want to explain in this book."
"The process [of building relationships] is no different for building relationships with customers."
"If your organization’s intentions transcend the mere act of selling a product or service, and it is brave enough to expose its heart and soul, people will respond."
"That’s what caring first, not selling first, looks like, and that’s how I built my brand."
"Social media has transformed our world into one great big small town."
"If you’re lucky enough to spend any time around any eighty-or ninety-year-olds who still have their wits about them and their memory intact, you’ll inevitably hear them remark how much the world has changed since they were young."
"The Thank You Economy is much, much bigger than social media."
"Social media is here to stay, but eventually, some technological innovation will be invented that will give intrepid travelers, the ones who understand that these trains of change are the only trains coming, another chance to move way ahead of the risk-averse."
"If you’re an entrepreneur, you surely already know I’m telling the truth because if you’re having any success, it’s extremely likely you’re already engaging with your customers online and offline with equal intensity and enthusiasm."
"Businesses that aren’t able or willing to join the conversation will likely see their balance sheets suffer, and catch hell from Wall Street."
"You can’t control the message; that ship has sailed."
"Overall, problems can be fixed if you catch them in time."
"The customer still hates the pants, but now LOFT knows they’ve still got their evangelist out there."
"You can fix anything unless you’re doing something grossly wrong."
"Business leaders consistently underestimate people’s willingness to forgive."
"If you’re putting rat poison in your pickles or using child labor, no matter how cheap or convenient you are compared to your competitor, you’re eventually going to lose."
"The best thing you can do for your brand and your company is to make sure that you put the truth out there for anyone who wants to hear it."
"Giving people what they want doesn’t translate to caving every time someone makes an unreasonable demand."
"The best problem you can have is offering such great service that you wind up spoiling your customers."
"Anyone who takes a dismissive attitude toward any customer is heading for disaster."
"Ninety-five percent of the worst social media engagement I’ve seen was produced by PR companies."
"Select employees who know your business well, care about it as much as you do, and can demonstrate quick, creative thinking, flexibility, and compassion."
"You think the guy who holds the record for the longest customer service call at Zappos—five hours!—was working with a script?"
"By creating the expectation that you’ll listen, you create more engagement, which increases virality, and word of mouth, and a sense of connection to your brand."
"The ad agencies do a better job than the PR companies, because they are in the business of thinking about what the consumer wants."
"If you ask phenoms to share the secret to their success, many will often reply that it was paying attention to the little things."
"In the Thank You Economy, the same can be said for the big things."
"Rather than ignore the kid, or even take offense, 50 Cent flew him to New York City and posted a new YouTube video of the two of them hanging out together."
"The public often forgets that celebrities are human, too."
"The long view is in the earned media opportunities, such as when the Philadelphia Enquirer gets wind of what Hershey’s did because of all the blogging and tweeting the customers do when they share their excitement."
"It has tremendous value and can create more business because of the additional clicks, opinions, reviews, tweets, and status updates that ensue as a result."
"The money spent on shock and awe can have much more value than a Facebook ad or even an SEO manager’s salary."
"The Thank You Economy has radically altered our customers’ expectations."
"The brands that show up first on these platforms...and take the first crack at building relationships with the early adopters they find there will see their foresightedness pay off."
"There’s never a time when real doesn’t work."
"I value good teamwork more than almost anything."
"Bill Parcells is the greatest coach in history because he wins through building team morale, hiring the right people, and instilling the right culture."
"Companies that resist the Thank You Economy are going to see an exodus of talent."
"If you understand the culture we’re in right now, you understand that there’s nothing an employee can say that will irreparably damage your business, especially if you fix it quickly."
"The Zappos brand will continue to be separate from the Amazon brand."
"You can never lose by going out on a creative limb."
"Put the best people in charge of social media, not the people you don’t know what else to do with."
"Seeing those personalities on television or in print would take the public by as much surprise as if they saw a fish walking down the street."
"There’s still a perception that traditional media works—that people see it—and social media doesn’t."
"People who care only about the numbers often miss the most interesting part of the story."
"You have to take the high road. You can’t ignore these people; you have to care, no matter what."
"The biggest mistakes companies make with social media: Using tactics instead of strategy."
"Mr. Buffett, if you want everything you’ve built to last long after you’re gone, make sure that your companies are introducing Thank You Economy sensibility into their business practices."
"Facebook is not the only significant social media platform, but many people think they have to fish in the big ocean and ignore the pond."
"Businesses have to quit outsourcing everything and start building up their internal teams around these new platforms."
"A lot of people who have been in the hospital will complain that they sometimes didn’t see their doctor for days, and then when she came in she was aloof and academic."