
Four Letter Word Quotes

Four Letter Word by J. Daniels

Four Letter Word Quotes
"I had been sitting in the same spot for an hour."
"You should be leaving, Sydney. Get up. Run. Grab your stuff and get the hell out of here."
"I needed to go. I needed to react somehow, because I hadn’t thus far."
"This felt like a dream. A paralyzing dream. The kind you didn’t wake up from."
"My phone rang from my bag on the floor somewhere, but it sounded miles away."
"It wasn’t too late for me to become a wrecking force. I had absolutely nothing to lose anymore."
"I was up to count six of Taylor Swift singing about being young and reckless."
"I knew my best friend better than anyone. I knew that sometimes she simply needed me to listen."
"I had never heard my best friend cry. Never. Not once in the twelve years we’d known each other."
"The naive veil had finally been lifted, and the longer I drove, the more I hated myself."
"He’s fucking married, Syd! Can you believe that? That son of a bitch has a wife!"
"I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I was full of rage and bitterness, pain …God, the pain was undeniable now."
"We were just married. He never played with you."
"I need to work, Tori. I can’t just sit around here. I’ll go crazy."
"That felt good. Even if I hadn’t spewed that hatred at my intended victim, something in my chest felt lighter."
"It’s your life, babe. I get why you gave it up and respect that, I hope he respected it ’cause giving up a memory like that is heavy and not something he should’ve brushed aside, but if you’re saying he’s past the point of giving up shit for you, then fuck it."
"Marriage is a covenant, Sydney. An unbreakable vow between you, Marcus, and God."
"I gave up peanut butter and a pet for him, but I didn’t mind because you give up stuff when you fall in love and you do it not caring because you’re in love."
"I hate that he calls you Legs. Nicknames are so sweet and sexy."
"I gave up peanut butter cup sundaes at Friendly’s, and I loved that sundae. It was tradition."
"He wouldn’t give up anything for me anymore. Not one damn thing. Not even if I was allergic to it."
"I’m going to live my life how I want to live it."
"I'm saying, the reason I'm pissed isn't because I was sent a photo of a gorgeous girl, my gorgeous girl, and I wasn't liking what I was looking at."
"You got me, babe. Fuck …you've had me. When I was Wes, you had me."
"You’re an idiot if you think that’s true, and honestly? I’m glad I’m not tied to you anymore if these were your beliefs all along."
"I can’t keep hoping and holding out, waiting for you to give me what I need, Brian, because I’ll never stop waiting."
"You were upset when you first got here, understandably so, but you were getting better. You know? You got better."
"I'm not going anywhere 'til you tell me why you're attacking this sweet ride."
"I've thought about fucking you for hours, Wild. Only stopping so I could eat you or to watch you suck me off, then fucking you again and again …and again."
"I know I had feelings for him. A lot of feelings, especially after we started doing stuff on the phone together."
"I can’t do this anymore," I said, lip quivering.
"You wanna lock something down, Wild? Say we’re seeing each other or dating or whatever? You don’t need to ask me, babe, ’cause I’m locked down. Whatever you wanna call us, I’m good with. Just know I’ll be saying you’re my girl ’cause that’s what you are. That’s yours."
"I can go from wanting to suck you off to not wanting to suck you off in a second if you keep calling me nut."
"Never been this way for me. Had a lot of girls growing up. Some serious. Some I just had because they wanted to be something and I liked them enough they stuck around for a little while, but I never called one of them my girl, serious or not."
"The only thing I care about is my girl and the fact I finally got her. I’m gonna let that soak in."
"I’ve just really really missed you. This is a lot to handle all at once."
"You’re feeling sorry for me already and you have no idea what I’ve done."
"Don’t be scared of me. Don’t ever be scared of me, Syd. I’d die before hurting you."
"I got hit hard in February with snow this year. Don’t know what it was like in Raleigh, but I’m assuming it was the same as it was here. Seemed like every week we were getting slammed with another storm."
"That boy, what happened to him, it would’ve happened anyway even if you weren’t on the road that night. He would still be paralyzed, Brian."
"I love you, too. You’re the best mistake I’ve ever made."
"I was fuckin’ stupid. Had no business being out on the roads when they were like that but I wanted the rush."
"I was the one who smashed into that car. I was the one who saw the looks on those parents’ faces when they finally climbed out and saw what I’d done, and I was the one they looked to for blame."
"I’ve missed so much of myself being with Marcus. Not just peanut butter and puppies. I wanted kids and I didn’t even know it. You showed me that."
"I'm not just trying to make you feel better. It’s true."
"You know my brother died. You know how he died, but you don’t know the part I played in it."
"I could very easily feel guilt over Barrett dying. Let that consume me like your guilt’s consuming you."
"My brother died because he went to a school that I picked."
"Or my brother was never meant to live past his nineteenth birthday."
"I needed you, but I didn’t know I needed you until you reached out to me and made sure I was okay."
"You kept that locked inside and you made sure I was okay. That’s… my God, how amazing of a man can you possibly be?"
"You are a dream, Brian Savage. You’re my dream."
"Wanted to show you something. Thought we could go for a drive, then come back here and get your car."
"It’s a surprise. Get in so we can get going. I want you to see it before dark."
"I love him. I love Brian, Mom. I’m not going back to Raleigh."
"Sometimes family isn’t made up of who you’re born to or who you share a name with."
"I love you and I miss you and I want to talk to you, but for the last time, I did not leave Marcus."
"I want to start having family dinners on Sundays."
"I thought I was protecting her. But in the end, I destroyed everything we’d ever have."
"Love is a risk. It was wild and unpredictable. You could either hold on for the ride, not knowing how it would end, or you could let go and never know the amazing you could’ve had."
"I had everything I needed with the family we got here."
"You remember what you said to me the first time you called? You said if I didn’t want to speak to you anymore, you’d disappear. You’d leave me alone."
"Love made you stupid and I was now the reigning mayor of Idiot Town."