
The Survivors Quotes

The Survivors by Jane Harper

The Survivors Quotes
"The ocean’s icy burn usually mellowed into something more neutral, but as the minutes ticked by he still felt cold."
"He braced himself as a fresh wave broke against his skin."
"At three months old, Audrey was growing heavy now."
"Mia could sleep anywhere these days, as could he."
"The water wasn’t even too bad, not at the tail end of summer."
"A teenage couple... wandered by earlier, hand in hand and barefoot."
"Bronte picked up a small yellow floral hat... 'No one’s coming back for them now.'"
"I heard her talking a bit to that waitress, but he didn’t even speak to me. It’ll be fine."
"I could tell from the back-door handle that it was unlocked."
"She was still in her work clothes. She must have been out there on her own, all night."
"I think it’s important in civilized society to respect due process."
"I mean, God. I said I obviously wish we had."
"That’s not going to change. So don’t let it tangle you up in something you’re not happy with now."
"We just want whatever bastard did this to her found before he’s halfway across the mainland."
"We need to be looking out for each other, not at each other."
"She had spent a furtive twenty-three minutes browsing social media sites."
"It wasn’t Liam he was doing it for, but Kieran didn’t bother to correct him."
"It was an accident. I’ve already been to the station. I’ve told them what happened."
"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him. I'm sorry."
"It's not even high tide. That's the real danger zone, isn't it?"
"He doesn’t realize he’s done anything. So what is it you want? Do you think he should be punished? For something he doesn’t even know he’s done? Do you think that’s fair?"
"She developed physically so early and all of a sudden she had all this attention coming her way. She never really worked out how to handle it."
"I used to love it down there when I was younger. That's kind of how we met."
"None of us needs to hear that I was conceived on that beach or anything, thanks very much."
"I think that’s a bit beyond both of us, unfortunately."
"That was a nice day. I remember that being taken."
"I’m begging you, if you know anything about what happened to my daughter, please tell us."
"I think the person responsible is probably in this room."
"So unless you want every secret in this place dragged to the surface, I recommend everybody in this room opens their mouths and starts talking."
"I’ll drain our bank accounts. I’ll mortgage our houses. Whatever I need to do."
"It’s the tunnels. Makes it hard to tell where it’s coming from."
"Your mum really should have told me about your dad’s connection with the Gabby Birch case, you know."
"About the consequences of my father’s irreversibly deteriorating mental health? Yeah, surprisingly, I think about it quite a lot."
"I need to accept this and make the best of it."
"I’ll be a few more minutes yet—I’m not going exploring on my own, don’t worry."
"We want to, Mum. That’s why we came back. So you don’t have to do it all on your own."
"I’m here in Evelyn Bay to find out what happened to Bronte Laidler."
"I can’t imagine what that must be like to live with."
"If you have any questions about this, we know where the police station is."
"You really want to hear it, Kieran? I feel that trying to accuse your brother of something, when he’s no longer here to defend himself, is despicable."
"I’m having some custody issues. Personal stuff."
"It’s not how I expected things to be down here."
"If I’d realized it was going to be such a pain in the arse, I would have left it alone. It’s been more trouble than it’s worth."
"It’s so weird, isn’t it? How one thing can change so much."
"Places like this, they need to be tight-knit to work. Once the trust is broken, they’re stuffed. Whether people see it or not, the writing’s on the wall."
"I’m not sure how much longer we’ll be around, though."
"That’s true. But maybe not all the changes were for the worse."
"I’m sorry about what happened to Finn. I really hope you know that."
"If you hadn’t, if you were the same person now as you were when the storm hit, there’s no way the three of us would be together."
"I still have you, instead of just memories of both my sons stuck in a photo album. And I’m grateful for that every day."
"You don’t think I’ve left everything too late?"
"Honestly, Kieran, I think it made you a better person. Kinder, definitely. More aware of other people, more conscious of your actions."