
The Brightest Star In The Sky Quotes

The Brightest Star In The Sky by Marian Keyes

The Brightest Star In The Sky Quotes
"The Chinese word for 'crisis' also means 'opportunity'."
"I suppose it’ll have to be an instrumental version tonight in Berlin. The fans will probably riot, eighty thousand dreams will be dashed, millions of euro will be lost and… one day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter."
"She never considered that the strangers around her wouldn’t want to help – and her faith was repaid."
"I suppose… ah… I suppose it’ll have to be an instrumental version tonight in Berlin. The fans will probably riot, eighty thousand dreams will be dashed, millions of euro will be lost and…"
"He could hardly ask her out, then sack her. Or sack her and then ask her out. Another option, of course, was to not sack her, but he wasn’t sure if that could be justified."
"‘One day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter.’ For a moment it had opened up a sliver of insight into an entirely different way of thinking."
"‘I have a personal trainer,’ she admitted. ‘So do I,’ he said."
"She wondered how Matt was getting on with his AOK. Bound to be something to do with his car, letting another driver out of a side road, that sort of thing."
"She always made a big effort to ensure the visitors knew exactly where they were going, sometimes even accompanying them part of the way."
"‘I’m not going to fall for him.’ ‘So why are you bothering at all?’ ‘Just killing time until I die.’"
"I’m seeing a fair-haired woman given to gossip and wanting in refinement. A spiteful flirt."
"‘It’s only music.’ He seemed astounded. ‘Even Leonard Cohen?’ ‘Even Leonard Cohen.’"
"You’re probably going to slash my job but I can still think you’re disingenuous and there’s nothing, oho nothing, you can do about it."
"‘We’ve the place to ourselves. So how about you skip the drinks?’ ‘I can’t.’ ‘Yes, you can.’ ‘No, I mean I can’t do either thing.’"
"You've nothing to be jealous of! I'll always love you the best."
"He who controls the radio controls the roads."
"Food... was simply there to fuel one's body, in order to have the requisite strength for do-goodery."
"I’m grand, thanks. Have a good one. See you Monday."
"It won’t be so bad. It’ll only be the six of us."
"A person supporting seven other people wouldn’t spend as much money on clothes as Gilbert did."
"I haven’t forgotten. I’ve just been in denial."
"It’s not real. My head must have made this happen."
"You take what you’re given and you should be grateful for it."
"The only way to get past bitterness is not... to burn down Jason and Donanda’s house."
"It’s taken me until now to notice that their daily vitamin pill is not, in fact, a vitamin pill."
"Watching approvingly from the outside as she lived her life having made the tough choice, but the right choice."
"When you least expect it, time can tumble through your door like a big stick to a settled pool, churning up all the mud that had settled at the bottom."
"Sometimes the toughest decisions bring out the pride in us, even if they require closing our eyes to the less glamorous parts of our choices."
"The unexpected chirp of a phone can jolt us, a reminder of how sleep deprivation plays merry hell with our nerves."
"In the complexity of life, sometimes it's the small acts, like picking a toy for gratitude, that add warmth to our relationships."
"The realization that being an add-on to others' holidays feels less appealing than being genuinely wanted there."
"Life's moments of clarity often come in the simplest forms, like understanding the significance of a chocolate ritual."
"There's a strange comfort in the bizarre, like a hedgehog toy introducing a baby to different textures of the world."
"Navigating the confusion of emotions can be like trying to decipher baby gadget instructions – complicated and overwhelming."
"In the whirl of life, sometimes it's a struggle to distinguish between what's real and what's just a chaotic dream."
"The journey of self-discovery often involves peeling back the layers of our complex emotions and desires."
"In the tapestry of life, our reactions to situations weave patterns that tell more about us than we realize."
"Embracing the unexpected in life can lead to moments of beauty and transformation, even in the simplest of settings."
"Finding joy and beauty in the ordinary can transform our perspective, making the mundane magical."
"Communications were like oxygen to him – urgent phone calls, cryptic texts, detailed emails."
"Assess the situation. Acknowledge where control had been compromised. Adapt with a new, more appropriate response for the next set of dynamics. Move forward."
"You can’t make the poor bastard book his own treats."
"I’m an animal. I’m programmed to respond in certain ways to certain stimuli. I can’t help it. I’ve no control over it."
"No Act of Kindness today. Or ever again. No point. Fucking things didn’t work."
"I’m after enduring a mighty trial and I reach out to you, my Irish brother, for your help."
"I didn’t realize… I thought we’d just wing it. See what happens?"
"I feel like I'll never need to sleep again. I feel invincible."
"I did have a boyfriend until about a month ago."
"I’m not going to make it back in time for Poppy’s wedding on Wednesday. I swear I’ll make it up to you."
"I don’t really like him. It’s nothing. Nothing."
"There’s heat around me. I’m on fire right now."
"He was an engaged man now and that operated like a repellent force field for her."
"It’s not like buying a motorbike. You can’t give it back when you get bored."
"You can come too, seeing as you were such a dab hand at the cleaning down in Mum’s. Not."
"Having kids, that’s the greatest adventure of them all."
"She was looking forward to it all being over."
"What do you have to do to get killed around here?"
"Fear was the only thing she felt. Otherwise, nothing."
"Their heart currents have gone right to hell."