
Lonely Castle In The Mirror Quotes

Lonely Castle In The Mirror by Mizuki Tsujimura

Lonely Castle In The Mirror Quotes
"It's a Small World – the song from Kokoro’s favourite ride at Disneyland – boomed from the large speaker on the back, reminding her of the world of laughter and hope that lay just outside her window."
"The supermarket along the highway was far away, and you needed a car to get there, so ever since Kokoro was small the Mikawa Market truck had driven over every week."
"It was only after Kokoro stopped going to school that she discovered this was what eleven o’clock in the morning was like in her neighbourhood."
"Spending so much time alone in her bedroom – gloomy during the day despite the orange curtains – feelings of guilt welled up in her."
"There were good reasons why set rules existed."
"‘Don’t force yourself to go’, her mother had said."
"‘I can’t go,’ she said. It wasn’t simply that she didn’t want to go. She couldn’t."
"You’ve got to play RPGs to really understand what’s cool about video games."
"I’m proud of you. That must have been so hard to take."
"I’m telling you – I didn’t know what was going on at first."
"She’s smart, and fearless. I completely get how you’d fall for her."
"If you’re able to go out, I think that’s great. But I would like to know where you go."
"I thought you were all studying abroad somewhere too."
"I always thought boys just couldn’t do these things properly."
"We should have had a real heart-to-heart. We shouldn’t have parted like that, after arguing."
"I mean, no one cares, do they? Whether you go to school or not, you should simply come here and have fun."
"The instant your wish is granted, you will forget everything – the castle, and all that has unfolded within its walls. You’ll forget each other."
"It’s not Kokoro-chan’s fault at all that she can’t go to school."
"It might be a long battle, but let’s fight it. Let’s do it, Kokoro."
"They might be important to you, but that’s how much energy needs to be expended to make a wish come true."
"It’s so stupid, because I never thought I wanted to die."
"I mean, you’re battling every single day, aren’t you?"
"They were really into looking for a school where I can feel safe."
"We’re all living in our own individual worlds."
"It’s just that in most sci-fi and anime about parallel worlds, some of these worlds branch off, then vanish."
"That’s what I said – the way you talk to us is so tricksy."
"It’s time you people worked things out. Don’t start barking up the wrong tree."
"I’ve been hoping something like this will happen for such a long time."
"Some people would never understand each other."
"You stay well, OK, and be with Mum and Dad always."
"I’ll hope for one single wish for you, Rion. I’m sorry you’ve had to put up with so much."
"It’s OK, isn’t it, if a wish comes true? If someone finds the key, I mean."
"If we can’t see each other in the outside world, all we’ll have left at the end is our memories, no? Isn’t that a bit of a waste?"
"Wow, that’s really something – parents considering your future and stuff. Not like our parents, right, Kokoro?"
"If I hadn’t got pregnant with you, we would probably never have got married."
"I didn’t expect you’d introduce me to your family so quickly."
"I don’t have much money, but I do want to get married."
"But my mother’s house is the only place for me to go, so what’s going to become of me?"
"I had to step in. Because you were in a tight spot."
"I never said you can’t meet up, or can’t help each other."
"I’m not like Misuzu and the others anymore, not at all."
"If I’m not here any more, I’ll hope for one single wish for you."
"I was so happy you came to see me in this way."