
Walk Through Fire Quotes

Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

Walk Through Fire Quotes
"I was stuck in a rut that began twenty years ago on the front stoop of the row house I shared with Logan, watching him walk away because I’d sent him away."
"Every woman on this goddamned earth wants a man like that to feel like that about them and you had it and you fuckin’ tossed it away like it was garbage."
"He was a dream come true. A fantasy come to life. Every clichéd hope of every girl on the planet walking, talking, touching, kissing."
"I felt my eyes brim with tears but I didn’t move. I stood there staring at the man I’d loved and lost and mourned for twenty years but I did it knowing I hadn’t even begun to mourn him."
"I knew he’d mature like that. Go from the cute but rough young man with that edge—that dangerous edge that drew you to him no matter how badly you wanted to pull away—but you couldn’t stop it, that pull was too strong."
"It was not simply that I was in a rut. My life had been interrupted and I’d never restarted it."
"I was prepared to push out seven kids. That would not be the optimal scenario. But, yes. To get what I want I’m prepared."
"We were together for three years that felt like fifty-three, all of them blissfully happy."
"I looked around my kitchen with its marble countertops and butcher block island that had a vegetable sink. Its heavy, white ceramic farm sink under the window and white cupboards, the top ones with windows. Other cupboards specially designed for wine, cookbooks, spice racks."
"You got a pussy, baby, know that pussy, tasted it, fucked it, so know you definitely got a pussy."
"If you call me a bitch one more time, High, I swear to God, you’ll regret it."
"Twenty years and I can’t bring myself to get rid of that."
"But there was a lot expected of earning the Chaos cut."
"You knew what she’d do when she saw what was inside. She’s a sister."
"You know how easy it is to break into a house with a window in the goddamned front door?"
"Trust me, you two are so cute together, that'll be worth the pain."
"You're always here, Logan. Even when you were gone."
"I'm done walking through fire for you, High!"
"I gave up everything so you could have it all!"
"I love you, Millie. Loved you then. Love you now. Never quit lovin’ you."
"You were it for me, the only one, the only woman I ever loved."
"We’re back and we’re talkin’ about cats and you goin’ to Arizona? No, I’m not fuckin’ jokin’."
"I’m a big fan of your mouth, big fan of havin’ it back, big fan of finally havin’ it available to me again."
"You gotta put a damper on the cute and sweet, baby."
"I’m not goin’ away, Millie. And I mean that in a lotta ways, so you best start gettin’ used to it now."
"You were a ghost and I lived life haunted by your ghost."
"I was walking around with a hole in my soul."
"We’re still back there. Now we just gotta find a way to put the shit in between behind us and keep on goin’."
"It’s the goddamned, motherfuckin’ truth that I would have had all I needed. I would have had everything if all I had in life was you."
"You leave, you arm this. You come home, you shut the fuckin' door, lock the fucker, and unarm it, four, nine, one, three, then you fuckin' rearm it, immediately, four... nine... one... three."
"You know that shit doesn't happen to old ladies. And if it does, the first fuckin' thing you do is tell your old man."
"I am. Very aware, Millie. And I'm very aware that I had two fuckin' days in this house with you and you didn't say a goddamned word."
"Other things, things that were extremely important, I'll note, were taking my attention."
"You’re right," I retorted. "Absolutely, one hundred percent right. I did wrong. I should have told you."
"Men broke into my woman’s house, threatened her, held a gun to her, and she didn’t tell me that shit."
"You need to dig deep, Logan, and remember where we were when that happened regardless of where we are now."
"Shit went down at The Roll. You were gutted. My boys were the ones who gutted you."
"None of your neighbors heard and if they did, none of them called the police."
"You’re gonna have to put up with those boys comin’ back because they’re gonna be installin’ a system in your office."
"Right, you two can keep squabbling later. Now, Millie, we gotta have words."
"We rode in to keep your shit straight with Millie because you both finally got your heads out of your asses."
"We all got shit to do, so let’s get on with this so we can do ours and leave Millie to do hers."
"It would suck, what you got with Dot isn’t what I feel for Millie."
"She’s a damn fine woman. She deserves that beauty."
"You got kids, hope like fuck you and Dot stay strong."
"Got years on you, brother, and I’m not blind."
"You don’t act out like a five-year-old and pour Sprite on it to make it go away."
"I love you too much to let you make that worse."
"You don’t like my threats, don’t be a threat to what I gotta build for my woman."
"We’re a team. We got a goal we gotta see to the rest of our lives."
"Life surprises us. Stuff happens, we change."
"We’re adjusting. Making a new family for the girls."
"Your only reason for breathing is to make him happy."
"It keeps coming to me. I’m happy he’s back. We’re working."
"Got any clue what’d do that? Got it. Good job that pays well and is only a headache on occasion."
"What are you putting in those? Well, I have this chili peanut chicken thing happening."
"A girl’s no girl at all for her sisters if she doesn’t get that sometimes a sister has to share the hurt, sometimes hold it close."
"I'll never forget that, High, and you got my love until my last breath for giving it to me."
"Never, baby, not ever. Never gonna lose you. Never gonna do shit to take away what I got back."
"So I'll give him a squeeze and I did it to give him a squeeze."
"I'd do it every day it was so worth it to walk through fire for you."
"You gotta know, we're movin' and we're doin' that soon."