
The Spook's Mistake Quotes

The Spook's Mistake by Joseph Delaney

The Spook's Mistake Quotes
"You see, I thought he’d another reason for leaving me behind – he was trying to protect me."
"The Fiend was now doing his own dark will but there was no certainty that he wouldn’t come hunting for me again."
"I’ve been cooped up in this house for weeks and I need a walk to blow the cobwebs out of my head."
"I thought I was facing a malevolent witch – one of a type I’d never met before."
"Ain’t no cause to look at me like that, Tom. All you have to do is place both hands against a mirror and think about me just as hard as you can."
"Sometimes we need to fight the dark with the dark."
"Water is very wet and that can be a problem."
"But it’s not just the Fiend, is it, Tom? County’s a much more dangerous place now."
"I was looking at a powerful malevolent witch. Her eyes were like fiery coals and her face was contorted with hatred and malice."
"Being able to swim could save your life in this part of the County. And what chance would you have against a water witch if you couldn’t swim?"
"All you need do is keep your head up so you can breathe and learn a few strokes."
"Life is tough, Master Ward, and there are lots of foes out there who’d just love to see you six feet under. It’s my job to train you well."
"When a diver wants to go deep, the easiest way is for him to hold a big stone so the weight takes him down quickly."
"Get harder or you won’t survive! Just doing what Old Gregory says won’t be enough. You’ll die like the others!"
"The Spook often made me practise the physical skills we used in fighting the dark."
"You won’t sink to the bottom because it’s easier to float than sink."
"To fight the dark is your duty. But is that fight worth it if, as a consequence, your own soul withers and dies?"
"You’ve read your master’s letter. The Fiend might send something after you at any moment, so I couldn’t take any chances."
"I’ll do my best to whack you with my staff. No doubt you’ll suffer a few lumps and bruises but you’ll gain useful combat skills as well."
"Most people were nervous at being close to a spook."
"A hot, spicy mixture of wine and gruel. Just the thing to sharpen our appetites for the hotpot."
"Do you think it’s wise for us to sit here so publicly? Morwena might have supporters in the area."
"Remember, when you’re with me, you do things my way."
"I heard it in the howl of a dying dog; I read it in the whispers of the marsh reeds; I smelled it in the water dripping from the broken wheel."
"My master would know how best to defeat her."
"If he gets one of his children to kill you, then he can rule on in the world."
"A piece of foolishness built by someone who doesn’t have to worry about working for a living."
"You’re in no position to make the rules, boy. Go out there and face her if you want your companions to live."
"If you win, they will live – at least for a while. If you die, I will kill them too. So you fight for the lives of these three as well as your own."
"Sometimes it’s very difficult to rule, Tom. Sometimes hard, painful decisions have to be made."
"I was born with the gift, Thomas. My dad had it too and his dad before him."
"I don’t mind that, Tom. I know you were only trying to do what’s best."
"You all right? You didn’t have any supper. That’s not like you."
"Leave me be, Tom. Ain’t none of your business."
"You needn’t fear me, child. I’ve not come for you. I seek someone else tonight."
"There’s no doubt that witches being at odds with each other can only weaken them and further our cause."