
One Night On The Island Quotes

One Night On The Island by Josie Silver

One Night On The Island Quotes
"I’ve spent my life being underestimated, and I’ve learned for the most part to either ignore it or use it to my advantage."
"Life couldn’t have been easy for them out here on the island, especially back then without modern comforts."
"I’m not sure how to play this. It’s after five in the afternoon, already dark, and it’s obvious neither of us know the geography of Salvation Island at all."
"I sigh and shake my head because, just like that, she’s somebody."
"I may be a dating columnist right now, but thanks to wine-fuelled confessions, she knows about the secret novelist hiding out inside me."
"I’m not such an ass that I can’t see that any woman would be wary about spending the night with a guy she doesn’t have any reason to trust."
"I don’t think I’ve heard my name spoken in an American accent before – it sounds a whole lot different, as if I’m someone far more cool and daring."
"I’m doing my best to compensate for the sofa lumps with strategically placed pillows, but I’m not holding out much hope for a more comfortable night."
"You know those mornings when you wake up slowly, as if you’re drifting up through layers of mist towards the surface, fragments of your dreams floating around you, trying to lure you back in? This isn’t one of those mornings."
"I’ll admit it – it might not be the Maldives, but it’s its own kind of eye-wateringly beautiful here."
"I never fully appreciated the impact my parents’ divorce left on me until I became a father myself."
"The only way to hang on to the life he loves is to back the hell off."
"I’ve started so many novels since then. I want to finish one."
"She’s a proper firefly, always burns brightest in a crowd."
"I’m worried that either I’m not going to be enough, or else that I will be enough and I’ll be alone for ever."
"He’s a complicated person. A really brilliant artist."
"Makes me want to climb inside the screen to get to them, you know?"
"I’ve drifted through the last year like a man clinging to a life raft hoping to be brought aboard again, even though I could see the lights of the ship moving slowly away from me, and … and this is a crappy analogy, I know, but coming to Salvation was the only way I could see to not drown."
"My marriage. I made vows, I promised to love one person forever. It meant something to me. Everything, at the time, and it’s hard work letting go of all of that, you know?"
"It’s more than an hour before I calm down enough to head back inside the lodge. Jeez, I’m a prize idiot."
"If you tune your ear in you can almost hear the thrum backed by the music of the ocean."
"I spent days studying her face from every angle, in every light."
"If you really need things to stay just between you and me, even here on the island, then I can do that. I can absolutely do that."
"I’ve been drowning in London too, in meaningless connections and unrealized dreams. Coming here is like a system reset for me."
"It’s like an ice-box in here, but I really would love to look back on the last day of my twenties and remember how daring I was."
"I can feel the air settling on my skin like glitter."
"I’m wise enough to know when someone is disingenuous and I know when enough is enough."
"I also know that I am enough, and I’m brave, and I will succeed."
"I won’t judge myself too harshly when I get things wrong because everyone gets things wrong sometimes."
"I promise to listen to myself, to take the time to hear the voice in my gut."
"The search for my flamingo is over. I am the flamingo."
"Brush your hair and walk your bum over that hill."
"A man like that’s going to take some getting over."
"Don’t go building your wall so high you can’t climb over it."
"It takes a tough woman to weather something like this."
"One – Springsteen just came on the radio and I thought of you."
"Kylie Minogue will look eighteen forever."