
The Vanishing Year Quotes

The Vanishing Year by Kate Moretti

The Vanishing Year Quotes
"I wonder if she’d be proud of the woman I’ve become."
"Wonder what quirks, biologically, I’ve inherited from someone I’ve never met."
"You have me, he says when I bring it up. You have us, our life, the way it is now. She rejected you."
"It’s so easy to be consumed by it when you have none."
"I prefer the tiny details: clean lines and sleek design."
"It’s not like Henry to press an issue. He’s generally too dismissive for that."
"I have no idea if he is happy or pleased, or what he feels beyond anything he says."
"I couldn’t get the image of Evelyn, lying in a mass grave, surrounded by other decaying corpses, out of my mind."
"The truth is, I've gotten compliments about my hair from strangers in public."
"I had grown into a whole other person, one capable of hurting people, hurting myself, rescuing people."
"But in the end, the playground moms wouldn’t admit to buying anything from me."
"I had to go home. To Evelyn’s crap apartment in San Pablo."
"In oblivion, the pain in my stomach went away."
"I have a nebulous memory of Henry pressing a small white tablet into my palm the night before."
"You’re an exotic bird, Zoe. You don’t see that."
"I never thought I’d love anyone again. I’m not a lovable man."
"It’s so easy to fall in love with Henry Whittaker."
"Everyone wants to be loved for who they are, even if we keep our true selves locked up and hidden."
"I’m not ready, Zoe. I’m not ready for us to reach back into our pasts."
"It’s hard to have a whole day in front of you and nothing to put in it, nothing to pencil in, no phone calls to make."
"You can get anything you want if you’re nice to people. People like to do things for people, it’s so easy to be kind."
"Don’t be afraid of sex. Be afraid of love, but not sex. Love can swallow you whole, consume you, change you, but sex? Sex is just for a night."
"If it was no big deal, then why not tell me?"
"I’m not covering it up, Henry. This whole conversation is ridiculous."
"You have talent. You have a future here. Do you know that?"
"I’m secretly rich. But I find all my money repels the ladies."
"Every woman should have a man who looks at her like that, like she’s the only one in the room."
"I was a mess. I did drugs, I even sold drugs."
"The past year of my life has been outlined in shades of silence."
"It’s just about the dumbest thing a person can do."
"She didn’t do anything, didn’t take anything, we have no evidence that she was there."
"I just wanted her to keep her life. She wanted a new, big fancy life. She didn’t have to stop speaking to me."
"When she died, we didn’t know she was in the city. She died in Midtown. Midtown! Who goes to Midtown?"
"Out of character, too. We’ve never been able to figure it out."
"We were old parents. I regret that. We tried for years to have babies, almost a decade."
"You should go, honey. Listen, leave your number. I’ll have Pat call you when she gets her strength back."
"I’m in Brooklyn. It’ll take me a few. I’ll be there as soon as I can."
"This is revenge, pure simple. To terrify you."
"You didn’t just owe me a wife, Zoe. You owed me Tara."
"Who would care anyway? It’s not like you have anyone."
"I’ve lost someone, too. You just didn’t know it."