
Float Plan Quotes

Float Plan by Trish Doller

Float Plan Quotes
"Why do all this work for a trip you’ll never take?"
"Suicide doesn’t break a person’s heart just once."
"I’ve never been sailing without Ben. I don’t always get the terminology correct—it’s a line, Anna, not a rope—and I’ll be lucky if I make it to the end of the river."
"The never-knowing is lodged in my heart like a stone, a constant dull ache that throbs during moments like these, when I wonder what our future might have been."
"I should have been paying attention. Ben would have."
"I don’t need a therapist to tell me that I’m the only one who gets to decide how long my grief should last."
"It’s a perfect day for running away from home."
"I already know how it feels to try holding on to the light of a dead star."
"I don’t want to lay claim to Keane Sullivan, but suddenly I feel a fierce protectiveness when I think about his leg."
"Looking at him is like looking at a bare light bulb and when I close my eyes, I can still see his outline."
"Sometimes you have to toss the map and fly by the seat of your trousers."
"If anyone will do, you need to find someone else."
"I’ve been enjoying myself. You’d be surprised how many girlfriends I’ve abandoned to appease the wind gods."
"I reckon the good Lord is happy enough to see his people that he doesn’t much concern himself with which pews they’re sitting in."
"Jesus, Anna, it’s a good thing I didn’t know that at the time. I’d have panned his fucking head in."
"Common decency should never be considered above and beyond."
"The stages of grief are not linear. They are random and unpredictable, folding back on themselves until you begin mourning all over again."
"He’s also pulled me out of the emotional black hole I’ve been living in since Ben died."
"It’s been a very good year for me, Anna, and you have a long way to go. Please let me do this."
"I feel like I don’t even know you anymore," she says. "When you left, I thought you were running away, but here you are, running headfirst into life."
"But the longer I’m stuck with you, the better."
"I want you so badly right now, I can barely stand it."
"If you keep your eyes just above the sun as it slips below the horizon, you may see the green flash."
"I love you," he blurts out. "And I know I should have kept that to myself a bit longer, but it’s the truth and I am feeling particularly un-smooth at the moment."
"We build memorials to honor the memory of those we’ve lost, and to remember the tragedy of humans treating other humans as property."
"Being with Keane is effortless. There’s no guesswork involved with his moods, and I love how often his heart comes out of his mouth."
"The difference between Keane and Ben, I am realizing, is Keane belongs to me in a way Ben never did."
"I’m scared. Ready to love you, but also not. I still think about Ben sometimes and I don’t know how to stop doing that."
"If we’re meant to be together… we’ll find our way back."
"I’m starting to understand how sadness and happiness can live side by side within a heart."
"I can live without you… But I don’t ever want to do it again."