
Promise Of Blood Quotes

Promise Of Blood by Brian McClellan

Promise Of Blood Quotes
"Still your heart, old man. You were once the eyes staring back from the darkness."
"A king's pride doesn't fill the people's bellies."
"The age of kings is dead, Adamat, and I have killed it."
"You wouldn't have had an ordinary life. You were born into this."
"The world is nothing more than figures and arithmetic to Ondraus."
"We're not here to carve up Adro, we're here to give it back to the people."
"I did it to free the people. I'm not going to turn around and put a boy king on the throne so that you can go back to your country villas and continue to bleed the country dry."
"If I treat them like animals, like criminals, then I will have a second royalist uprising on my hands. If I treat them like citizens, if I restore them to their places in this city, if I make them belong, that is the best solution."
"War is most definitely not a gentleman's game, my friend. Else I wouldn’t play."
"Every written word gives us another hint about how to control the Else."
"Just be careful of the Applied Sciences building. It's brand-new."
"I did it to destroy the monarchy. I did it to free the people."
"It's a stupid legend. One of many stories to keep the royal cabals in their place."
"There are far more effective ways to keep tabs on the royal cabal."
"I'll deliver your damned message. Tell me what the Promise is. Give me evidence."
"You and I are surviving far too much these days."
"You’re weak. You won’t be able to pull the trigger."
"What do you mean, ‘Where’d I get him?’ I’ve not hired a new cook."
"There are… others… on this side of the mountain."
"You don’t need eyes after as long as I’ve been here."
"I can’t guarantee that Tamas won’t send someone else after you."
"Better to know it’s nothing than to not know it’s something."
"Sometimes the council seemed to amount to nothing more than children thrust together at a boarding school."
"He touched his pocket, where he kept the rumpled likeness of her he’d torn from his sketchbook. No, he did not love her."
"Taniel was the best shot in the army. He could shoot a man’s hat off at three miles on a windy day."
"You’re going to have to take a shit eventually."
"The wait—and the risk—had been well worth it."
"Taniel resisted the urge to duck. Bo was looking right at him."
"Pit, what was he going to say? ‘Hi Bo, how have you been, I came up here to kill you? But don’t worry, I’ve changed my mind. I hope everything is fine between us.’"
"He’d been forced to choose between duty and his friend. He hoped that made him a good friend, because he was a piss-poor soldier."
""Not another step," Bo shouted. "Stay where you are!""
""To the pit with it," he said aloud, and stood up."
""Come on," Darden said. The old Deliv Watcher was armed with a spear in one hand, just like Gavril was."
""That’s a dangerous precedent. Is that the policy we’re going to take with noncabal Privileged in Adro?""
""Pit, no," Tamas said. "This bastard is a Kez spy, though, and we need to work quickly.""
""I need the money," Nila said. She jerked her head toward the empty spot the guillotines had once held."
""You look like you haven’t had a good night.""
""Despite what you may have heard, I don’t have a bloodlust for Privileged," Tamas said."
""A woman with your looks should not join the army.""
""He, uh… well, it’s not my place to tell you. Gavril’s our man, don’t worry."
""My lord took me to bed twice a day since I was eleven," she said, injecting as much venom as she could into her voice. "I spit on his head when it dropped.""
""I’ve been thinking of having her remain until the war’s over, in fact.""
""I suppose. But one has to weigh the benefits and risks."
"If Tamas were killed, that would leave me with only two supporters on the council, both of whom could turn on me."
"I forget sometimes that you seem to know everything."
"I see," Adamat said. He examined the inside of his wineglass."
"The reeve hates me because my accountants are almost as good as his."
"I’m a happily married man—and I want it to stay that way."
"The only thing he could confirm was that Kez agents had been coming into the country through these docks."
"I’m not going to let you hack apart my council with a meat cleaver and a hot iron."
"The rest of the world already looks to the next."
"You’ll have nothing left of them, and I’ll have made enemies of the most powerful people in Adro."
"A gift," he said. "I’ve not yet heard from you."
"I don’t revel in your discomfort, or smile at the thought of your doom."
"The peasants and savages need to be tamed. As Adro and the powder mages need to be tamed."
"People do not exist to serve their governments or their kings. Governments exist to serve the people, so the people should have a say in those governments."
"Money. You track everything. Even things a reeve shouldn’t know you have cataloged."
"He could just tell Tamas there was no money to pay the army or feed the people."
"You’re the strongest of the powder mages and a tactical genius—I don’t mind saying it, it’s the truth."
"What mistake of breeding gave you such disrespect for your betters? Such disdain for the God-chosen king?"
"The world is changing. One people should not be ruled by another."
"I’ll never understand the minds of such as you, Tamas. We’ve both got our prejudices, I suppose."
"I’ve been expecting a visit from you since Tamas set me after his traitor. It had to come sooner or later."
"I’m here to ask you about the assassination attempt on Field Marshal Tamas last month."
"My master instructs me to answer any of your questions, within reason, that will satisfy you that he is not the traitor you seek."
"I am… grateful," he said. "I am grateful that you patched things up with the arch-diocel. I am grateful that you have finally welcomed me as one of your own."
"They need friendship," Mihali said. "They need love and brotherhood."
"Tamas will deal with a higher power one day soon for the things he’s done. I have no need to get involved."
"You think I care about this investigation?" He shook his head. "No, not one whit."
"I trust you’re responsible for this?" Tamas turned to find Ondraus.
"I can’t understand it. You said he had a Knack for food, but this is ridiculous! Nothing is free, Tamas. There has to be a price!"
"Your intentions were… well, not pure, but just. Justice is never enough."
"This is no home for you now!" His voice began to rise, and his gestures were making Taniel nervous.
"We gave them a good fight," the old monk said. "They are weaker now. Make it count."
"I have a Knack for knowing when I’m being lied to," he said. "You have five seconds to tell me. Then I will strangle you."
"Her heart hammered in her chest, her legs sagging beneath her. She’d never felt fear like this."
"Nila let her skirt fall from her hand. She took Jakob’s hand and stepped into the carriage. 'Don’t worry,' Nila said. 'I’ve come to take care of you.'"
"For the first time since his wife’s death, he felt whole again."
"The problem with logic," Prime said, "is that sometimes you are forced to believe your own hypothesis, even if you don’t want to."
"He’s the patron saint of chefs for a reason. He was a big man, strong, powerful, and he was very popular with the women."
"I realized a long time ago Kresimir would never return."
"Kresimir came initially, and then requested the help of his brothers and sisters to organize the Nine."
"What does a god look like? What does a god do? Who am I to know one when I see him?"
"If there are more interruptions like this, if there are more distractions…"
"You don’t believe this rubbish, do you?" he said. "About this chef being a god?"