
Fragments Quotes

Fragments by Dan Wells

Fragments Quotes
"Raise a glass," said Hector, "to the best officer in New America."
"We were made to die," said the major. "To kill and then to die. Our lives have but two purposes, and we finished the first one fifteen years ago."
"Punishing criminals is—" "Senator Tovar is correct," said Hobb, rising to his feet. "This is not about sex or reproduction or manual labor or any of these other issues we’ve been arguing."
"I’m not giving up," she said. "It doesn’t matter how big the world is. All that gives me is more places to look."
"We have a cure for RM now," said Kessler. "That means we have a future. We can’t afford to lose a single person."
"We’re trying to find a higher ground. We have a future now, so let’s not start it by killing."
"If what Heron said is true... a Partial invasion could mean the end of the human race—not a slow fade, dying off because they couldn’t reproduce, but a bloody, brutal genocide."
"Are the adults just as lost as the rest of us? Or is there really no solution to this problem?"
"Being lucky is not the same thing as being safe."
"Their expiration date is like pushing us out of the frying pan and into the... molten core of the Earth. If they die, we die; we need their pheromone to cure ourselves."
"The Partial generals still follow the Trust; I don’t know why. That’s where they get all their orders."
"The people who destroyed the human race were... humans."
"We need to take it and go. You find whatever escape route you have planned and you take it—you run far away, and you don’t come back for a week."
"I have everything in my backpack—I never lose the backpack."
"The world already ended. That monster’s come and gone."
"The cloud only works if every piece works—every computer from here to the one you want to talk to, like links in a chain."
"It’s like, a bunch of rooms, and a bunch of roads all running between them."
"There’s a whole human society left, Afa, and they need your knowledge."
"I was the IT director in the Manhattan office."
"You have to move on, or go back, or do something."
"They knew they were building a new world, and they knew they were destroying the old one to do it."
"The Partial army bearing down on you, who knew?"
"That comes before everything else—before kindness, before morality, before law."
"The three things you just mentioned have nothing to do with the physical augmentation package she worked on, so it makes sense that she didn’t know about them."
"You can’t blow up the building—if you blow it up, you will lose your backpack."
"I didn’t say anything about Nostromo-7s, so I assume you don’t know how to get past one. I do."
"You’re trying to save everyone—And what if you can’t?"
"Maybe humans are just done, and it’s time for the Partials to inherit the Earth."
"I’ve picked a side, and everyone’s on it. And that’s exactly who I’m going to save."
"When you imagine someone trying to function without sight, that’s how I imagine someone trying to function without the link."
"I don’t want to be in this position. I don’t want to be the one who everybody’s hunting, who has to choose who lives and who dies."
"He’s every bit as brilliant as you said he is, but he is completely broken, and that is not a combination I am comfortable traveling with."
"He’s getting worse, which is impressive, considering how bad he was to begin with."
"I've planned for that. Remove all that stuff and it's really not too bad."
"I tried talking to them a few times, but they never believed me."
"You’re a Partial, yet you were a friend. That’s the whole problem, we still think there are sides. There can’t be, not anymore."
"I’m telling you that I’m worried. We’ve only been out here a week, and there are at least three weeks to go before we make it to Chicago, probably more. By the time we get there, he’ll be a basket case."
"I’m sorry. But Heron is right. You’re going to have to figure out who you are."
"We need a bigger boat. I brought all our nacho sauce."
"The emergency generator should be outside somewhere. Find some paint thinner."
"The Failsafe is RM. Your own government ordered it."
"It’s easier to fall back into the same old patterns of hate and retribution, because at least then we’re doing something."
"I’m sorry for getting mad at you. I’m sorry for saying things that made you mad at me."
"I don’t want to fail, but if I do, I want to be able to look back and say, ‘I did that. I failed. That was all me.’"
"Was that really so important to him? Was that really so rare?"
"We’re still stuck, but we’re soaking wet. Remind me again how that’s an improvement."
"You’d think they would have built their super-soldiers without any feelings at all, to make them better at . . . killing, I guess. War."
"Find the answers. Solve the problem. You don’t get a life until you make one worth living."
"This is what I’ve been telling you. We’ll be fine."
"I’m assuming we’re the first people to try to dock a boat at that end of Main Street."
"Failing to act is no less a crime than acting incorrectly."
"We’re not going to cure RM, we’re not going to solve the expiration date, we’re not going to do anything but die in a wasteland."
"I’ve destroyed the world once already. I won’t condone a course of action that will destroy it again."
"If you can’t link with them, you can’t defend against them."
"In the land of the Partials, we’re like... stealth fighters."
"I learned to make my allies along ideological, rather than racial lines."
"We started a war but never intended to end the world."
"It's okay. I can tell you want to see the children."
"I promise you that as soon as we’re done saving the world, we’ll eat lunch and play football."
"Sometimes helping someone means hurting someone else."
"Sometimes with the stakes this high a choice you would never make before becomes the only moral option."
"I’m sick of it. It’s time to go to the spire."
"I learned to protect human life at all costs."
"They’re not just their faces, it’s their minds. You can’t talk to one and tell me they’re not real people."
"Humanity will destroy itself, body and soul, before it will learn a simple lesson."
"I created people, like any other mother. And the Partials, like any other children, have the capacity for good or evil."
"I know damn well that's exactly what would happen. In East Meadow that's happened every day for twelve years, and for one of those years I was right in the maternity ward watching it."
"I've watched them grow up. Partials don't grow."
"We were creating Partials that people could love. Strong, healthy children who could be adopted and raised just as human children."
"It's not that simple! Take away those Partials and these children will die. This community will disintegrate."
"I’m not happy about it, and Vale’s not happy about it, but these are impossible choices."
"If there were another viral package, I would have seen it."
"But what’s the alternative? Sacrificing a whole community for one person? You have to do what’s best for the group, or all you have is tyrants."
"The Partial raiders had long ago pillaged the hospital for gear and meds, and so they had nothing to help her other than themselves."