
The Geography Of You And Me Quotes

The Geography Of You And Me by Jennifer E. Smith

The Geography Of You And Me Quotes
"On the first day of September, the world went dark."
"She couldn’t have imagined, then, that it stretched beyond the building where she’d lived all her life."
"The whole city had been snuffed out like a candle."
"If only she’d waited for the next one, she would’ve still been standing downstairs right now."
"But you’re sounding just like Bartleby from the story."
"Nothing is what it is. Things are always changing. They can always get better."
"There’s a difference between loneliness and solitude."
"It’s just been a really tough summer. And I guess I’m not used to the idea of being here yet."
"But tonight, the world had gone quiet. There was nothing but the black canopy of the sky and the wash of stars above, burning so bright that Lucy found she couldn’t look away."
"In spite of the situation, she’d found herself wondering—ridiculously—whether he recognized her, too."
"It wasn’t a date but an accident. It wasn’t romantic, only practical."
"We’re stuck in an elevator that’s hot and stuffy and probably running out of air."
"But when he opened the door to the apartment, his eyes fell on the kitchen counter, where he’d seen the bouquet of flowers just a couple of nights before, and something about the memory made him feel like crying."
"It was the thought that they would go west, that they would move forward, because where else was there to go?"
"Maybe we should start some new traditions of our own."
"Every day this week, he’d looked for Lucy. Every day, he’d thought about knocking on the door of her apartment."
"And so he closed his eyes and kissed her back."
"Your new monster pal would love it here. I bet you would, too."
"They’re all set in there? Did you get some turkey?"
"It seems your daughter has fallen for a traveling salesman."
"It’s because of what it says on the front, the whole ‘wish you were here’ thing."
"December was already six days old, and this was the first time that Lucy had seen it in daylight."
"You can't know the answer until you ask the question."
"Just because you painted a house didn't mean the furniture inside was any different."
"But if she was being really honest, that was only part of it. The other reason was more complicated than that."
"Maybe it was possible that you could take someone out of their life and drop them in the middle of another place entirely and they could seem like someone completely different."
"Not everything is supposed to mean something."
"It's hard to tell from your shirt that you guys won."
"We're just so different, and she kept wondering if he’d realize this was a mistake at some point."
"Let's go," he said, and though his voice was soft, Owen could still hear the unspoken word at the end of it: home.
"It's just been so long," her mother said, trailing a hand along the back of the couch as she walked over to the window. "Too long."
"You're early," he said, but it didn't feel that way to Lucy.
"There's something else you don't know," he said later. Her head was resting on his chest, and he was running a hand through her hair.
"There's very little in this world that can't be cured by bashing in some nails," he used to say, and Owen knew he needed that more than ever today, after too much time spent clearing away the last reminders of their previous life.
"This is happening. Tomorrow. No matter what."
"No seriously," he said, pulling away after what felt like no time at all. "You're early. I had all these plans."
"That must be because we're such big-time college students now," Aidan says with a grin.