
The Jane Austen Society Quotes

The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner

The Jane Austen Society Quotes
"Inside the pages of each and every book was a whole other world."
"If you weren’t moving forward, you weren’t winning."
"Understanding himself was not important because there was nothing there to understand."
"I know I never understood how a bunch of books about girls looking for husbands could be on par with the great writers."
"The unnatural loss of youth not only hits us harder, it seems to insist on invading our days."
"She saved her most bitter complaints for the tourists and gawkers who... demanded that a life here be just like in the books."
"He liked to say the words like that, like a clean cut, sharp and deep and irrevocable."
"But inside him, in the place that only books could touch, there remained both a deep unknowing and the deepest, most trenchant pain."
"But he was the hero of his own life, and he would always get the girl in the end."
"But if Willoughby is genuinely seeking expiation for his sins—"
"I think this is where her religious sincerity sometimes got in the way—goodness knows Fanny Price was the poster girl for that."
"I am going to sue the pants off of you, you animal."
"I don’t trust that daughter of mine to keep any such thing from happening."
"I gave everything I had to Samuel and then to our baby, every last bit of me."
"It’s amazing, though, how she tricks you with the surface of things."
"You’re still the best doctor around here and you know it."
"No one owes anyone anything. I got to make my own choices, too, even if it doesn’t always look that way."
"Jane Austen knew about money and power, too... She had accrued some small degree of autonomy by the end. Enough to work, live, and die on her own terms."
"The hardest part is wondering whether I could have done something, to help him—to stop him. The never knowing is what hurts the most."
"You can’t afford to be accused of hiding or stealing anything."
"It’s not the value, though, it’s what we learn. There is no price on that."
"We might never have got the three final books of genius if Austen had gotten her man in the end."
"You think you can finally wake up and just go and grab the first woman—the first young woman, I might add—who’s free?"
"We are talking anywhere from one hundred thousand pounds upwards."
"It’s never the wrong time—or too late—to show someone you care."
"You must allow me to tell you how sorry I am for all the years that we did not speak, and for my misgotten pride, and—more than anything—for not truly comprehending your unique and inimitable spirit."
"If you want to live a life that matters, don’t start when you get good; start now so you become good."
"Grief and regret puts a hole right through you that nothing can ever fill."
"It’s not the loss that defines us, but how we choose to fill the space it leaves."
"Patience in love has not been my virtue, and yet in hurrying on, I ended up running a race with no destination."
"For all the ties of blood and birth that I see about me, each and every day, I only ever remember the love."
"Trust me, Adam, we all feel like that sometimes."
"You are loved, Adam—you are loved. Your father loved you, and you cherish his memory, and that is all that really counts."
"There’s coping and then there’s just getting through the night."