
Personal Demons Quotes

Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers

Personal Demons Quotes
"If there’s a Hell on Earth, it’s high school."
"Guilt isn’t in the demonic repertoire of emotions."
"History class I’ve ever taken—all hundred or so—really amusing."
"I don’t even need to use my power... It just feels more honest when they come to sin of their own volition."
"Everyone has something they wish they could undo."
"I don’t do anything I don’t want to, and I’m not gonna end up in some relationship where I feel pressured."
"I know a lot of seventeen-year-olds who do nothing but bitch about their families."
"It’s like, without ever touching me, he’s climbed right into my head and is looking around in there for my dirtiest thoughts and fantasies."
"It’s dangerous to believe in something that can only hurt you."
"I’ll think about it." He shoots me a sidelong glance. "Does Reefer even have a shot at getting back with you?"
"He’ll wake up one day and realize he was temporarily insane."
"You’re busting hearts all over the place," he says with a smile and a wave over his shoulder as he turns to cross the street toward Riley’s.
"I wonder idly what my boss could have done to piss the king off so thoroughly that he’s being replaced, but I shake my head—not my concern at the moment."
"The truth is I shouldn’t be surprised, ’cause Luc definitely does have a vibe. And let’s just say it’s not likely to impress too many teenage girls’ parents."
"If you don’t want any guy push ya into doin’ . . . ya know . . ."
"Judo was like kid anger management—the only thing that touched my rage."
"I almost had her in her room . . . I was so close."
"This is a really dark . . . scary, but cool. What is it?" "Hell."
"I pull my notebook from my book bag and spread out on the floor."
"No other kiss has ever felt like this. It’s electric in its intensity, making every nerve ending buzz."
"I lose myself in his touch, and I swear my head and my heart are both about to explode."
"It hits me like a lightning bolt out of Heaven—some giddy, wild feeling, dizzying in its intensity."
"My job. She needs to be tagged. Which means I should keep working my way down the lust path."
"I feel like I’m floating through the darkness, and she’s right, it is a rush."
"Nothing has ever felt so right—but also so wrong."
"I’m not going to let myself get addicted to Luc."
"I’m not a good Catholic girl, remember? I got thrown out of Catholic school."
"You’re the only one who’s ever known who I am, who I’m not, and who I want to be. And somehow you love me anyway."
"Everybody’s got their own crap they carry around with them. I know that firsthand."
"Listen, Frannie. I wasn’t there and I don’t know what happened, but I do know this heart."
"But she doesn’t need to know that. No sense stressing her out more than she already is. I’ll do anything to help her feel like her life is normal—at times, anyway."
"He knows I want my life, and he’s trying so hard to let me have it. I don’t want to burst his bubble, so I don’t say anything, but, really, I like knowing that he’s there."
"I wish I could believe him. I look up, and my mom is staring out the front window at us. I’m sure she thinks I’ve lost it, which isn’t going to help our cause at all."
"This is good. The only way I could ever leave her. She’ll be better off now."
"You’ve impressed the right deity, though Michael was less than thrilled."
"I pull my head off the car door and look up at Gabe through the haze of my hangover."
"For this feeling, I’d have given up anything. I’d say my immortality was a small price to pay, but I don’t feel like I’ve paid anything. I feel like I’ve been paid with the most valuable thing anyone could ever want."
"Her eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen them. 'Tag—you’re it!'"