
All Dressed In White Quotes

All Dressed In White by Mary Higgins Clark

All Dressed In White Quotes
"If I cared about money, would I be a public defender?"
"We’ll just explain that we never had feelings for each other until after. It’ll be fine. People will understand."
"I didn’t want to hide it from them. I told Sandra I was certain that my feelings for Meghan were real."
"I didn’t even realize I might be under suspicion, as you call it, until Nick and Austin pulled me aside and told me the cops were eyeing me as the chief suspect."
"I just want to know what happened to Amanda. Because I know she didn’t leave that resort on her own."
"By the time she finished the cancer treatment, she’d lost twenty pounds, but was tougher than anyone I knew."
"Now Ladyform was synonymous with women feeling happy and comfortable inside healthy, natural bodies."
"It’s not always easy to work professionally with family members."
"But you know how some people have everything but are still yearning for something different? Almost like those people who feel like they’re living in someone else’s body."
"She probably would have said too close at times."
"Sometimes I wonder how well I really knew her."
"But anyone can compose themselves for a few days."
"Sometimes when people have been very sick and could have died, they become keenly aware of their mortality. They want to make the most of every day."
"She wasn’t just another pretty face from an impressive family with a storybook wedding. She was complicated—and still getting to know herself."
"No amount of money would be worth having to take orders from Brett Young."
"Most of the time you’re very formal around him. You steer the conversation back around to work."
"But let me say this once, just in case it needs to be said. I know how much you loved Greg. We all did."
"My daughter is not some flighty, whimsical girl in a wedding veil. She is tough and smart."
"She’s out there—somewhere, Amanda Pierce is out there, whether alive or not—and she wants to be found."
"Please come home, sweetie. Even just a phone call to your mother, so she knows you’re okay."
"In my own way, I’m still in limbo, too, Sandra, but alone."
"I photograph people, and not when they are posed and artificial. I capture their reality."
"Trust me: whatever happened to Amanda, Jeff had nothing to do with it."
"I was happy for her. I thought she had found a way to start over again."
"He laughed with us, but we got the impression he was sorry he had started this conversation."
"You didn’t think I’d go on national television looking like the ugly duckling, did you?"
"It’s like asking me what it’s like to breathe. She was the only sister I ever had."
"In any other family, I would have been a superstar."
"She looked like a princess from a fairy tale, but she was cunning. Ambitious."
"We both loved Amanda. It was losing her that brought us together as a couple."
"I used to wonder if I married too young. How could I possibly regret them?"
"She was determined to live her life to its fullest."
"You can tell she’s in love with him, and he has no idea."
"I’ll never rest until we get justice for Amanda."
"I can’t even picture Jerry with wet hair in a swimsuit, hurling himself down a slide."
"I wanted to stand up in the middle of the restaurant and scream at the top of my lungs, 'I did not do this!'"
"Boca's a beautiful place, but I wish I could be there with you guys. Hope you're doing okay, man."
"Was this her plan all along? To marry Jeff once Amanda was out of the way, then spend his inheritance?"
"Even without words, body language told the story."
"I really thought we'd solve another one before calling it a wrap."
"We'll have one more film session tomorrow when you can lay out everything we know."
"I never should have doubted her, even for a second."
"Jeff and Amanda had been together at just the right point in their lives for their relationship to make sense."
"You've found happiness with women who love you. All Nick has is loneliness and rage."
"Meghan White couldn’t feel anything. Not physically."
"I’ve thought about doing this so many times in New York, but I couldn’t figure out a way to get you alone and unseen in the city."
"Without you and your team I would have lived my whole life being under suspicion for Amanda’s death."