
The Beautiful Ones Quotes

The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Beautiful Ones Quotes
"All his plans in tatters, the whole reason for his attendance at the ball suddenly vanishing, Hector did not know what to do with himself."
"A perverse part of him hoped that time had somewhat washed away the colors from her face, but in his heart he knew this was impossible."
"He consulted his watch, and after deliberating, he decided he’d brush up on his history."
"The time spent in Loisail would allow her to refine her ways—there was no place as sophisticated and modern as Loisail."
"The universe was unveiling new wonders every day, the motorcar and the photographic camera, to name but a handful of the inventions dazzling the world."
"Despite his admirable qualities, Valérie did not intend to become seriously involved with Hector."
"The limits of Valérie’s power and influence chafed her."
"He desired both to see her and to thwart their reunion."
"She had not spent her life living in a monastery, but she had limited herself to more ephemeral relationships."
"Love is not a concern anymore," Hector said, his voice hoarse.
"Everyone thinks he’s sensational, it’s that aura of the foreigner he has about him."
"You must not think I am attempting to portray myself as a victim."
"You must be the slowest girl in all of Loisail," Valérie scolded her.
"My word is like iron. I keep my promises," he told her.
"That may well be, but you must practice more."
"We say a great many things when we are young. Eventually, we grow wiser."
"I await news of his proposal with bated breath."
"I’m the Witch of Oldhouse, Mr. Auvray. Do you think there is a region of the heart where you can find our talent? Or of the brain?"
"I do not know what makes me capable of manipulating objects with my mind alone, though learned men have tried to provide the answer and will continue to do it."
"I would never. You know a gentleman by his deeds, my sister says."
"It’s all incredibly odd, this business with the cards. Weren’t you building a house with them yesterday? What shall that prove?" - "Physics," Hector said.
"I’ve been crude and will no doubt pay dearly for it."
"I didn’t mean to make the flour fly through the kitchen, I didn’t mean to make the stones rain or the porcelain shatter."
"But, the talent, you use it, it doesn’t use you."
"I would have gone with you. If you had returned without a single coin in your pockets, I would have gone with you all the same."
"Dear, dear Antonina. Don’t be silly. The point is he’s never loved you. And he never will."
"Don’t be sorry for me," Nina said, looking up at her sister, eyes sharp. "All of Oldhouse already pities me—I cannot abide your pity, too."
"You are as you always were, with your head in the clouds."
"Whatever for? It is not as if Miss Beaulieu is a performer at the Royal, as you are."
"It’s a ghastly idea. It’s already annoying that you must eat your meals at that desk of yours, but I won’t do it."
"If I had told you I was coming, you wouldn’t have seen me. You spend your days locked up either here or in your home."
"It’s done and nothing may come of it, but I hope something does."
"You do realize it would be more appropriate to send flowers for a birthday, don’t you?"
"I thought you liked me. I thought you were my friend. You should have told me the truth."
"I’ve liked you since I met you—more than that, I admire you—that’s the truth."
"I mistook politeness for affection," she said.
"Please send no more gifts, Mr. Auvray. Send nothing more."
"I thought I could never forgive you, but I realize that is not the case."
"I want you to be happy, I want to know that you are happy, to know you are well."
"I would like to see you again, but I won’t pressure you to say yes," he concluded.
"You must not think me cruel. But it’s strange. I’m not mad at you. I don’t see how people… I look to books for advice, you see, but they don’t write these scenes."
"I don’t either. But back in the library, we spoke without impediments."
"I want you to think of me and me alone," he said.
"This is me, Luc Lémy. Like my eye color and my hair, like the mole on my wrist, this is me. Why is it so difficult for everyone to see that?" she asked him.
"I’ve done you no wrong. She wished to go home, I took her in my carriage."
"How do you like the reality behind the spectacle?" he asked.
"True enough. It’s not as if every man you pass on the street can lift an elephant with his mind."
"And miss the chance to lift those pesky elephants?"
"I do not understand what I want. Do you think that changes as you get older?"
"I doubt the tree complains about the arid seasons and the overwhelming rains as it counts its rings."
"But the world need not be cruel and everyone in it a jackal. And affection need not be a terror and a curse and agony."
"You have no idea, Nina, what it is like to love someone so much, it tears you apart, that you think you will die when you lose them."
"Save any words for the morning, and make sure they are more measured."
"If she’d had the means, she would have stabbed the girl in the heart a thousand times."
"I want to know if you are bold enough to finish what you started."
"Challenge him to a duel in the morning, do not let your brother broker a peace between you."
"I know you to be a huntsman. Is your aim adequate?"
"He can’t wed her without her mother’s consent. She is not yet twenty-one."
"I am not fond of duels. If there was another way—"
"You realize this means you loved me before you met me?"
"I could not have fallen in love with her last summer."