
Ashes Of Honor Quotes

Ashes Of Honor by Seanan McGuire

Ashes Of Honor Quotes
"We don’t live in a perfect world. We never have. And on nights like this one, it seems like we never will."
"Anything that changes the way you feel is habit-forming, as anyone who’s ever dealt with someone who says, 'It’s not addictive, really,' while reaching for their next fix can tell you."
"I don’t believe in ghosts, but there were times when I felt like I was being haunted."
"I’ve never been fond of dealing with the human police. In addition to being a knight errant, I’m a changeling—part fae, part human—and most of the time I manage to restrict my interaction with authority figures to the fae side of things."
"You can’t save everyone and leave yourself lost, October. It isn’t fair. Not to you and not to the people who care about you."
"If I believed that, I would walk away and never darken your door again. I can forgive you your foolishness only because I know how lost you are."
"Reality is nothing if not malicious where I’m concerned."
"I keep it rubbed down with a mixture of crushed juniper berries and rowan ash. Don’t you like the way it makes the metal shine?"
"We don’t have your daughter, and neither does Etienne."
"Because we’re not used to telling humans ‘oh, hey, we exist.’"
"You have to trust the people you're asking for help."
"I have a daughter, too. She lives with her human father."
"We were planning to walk Chelsea’s route to school."
"Chelsea was kidnapped last year, and I would have done anything to get her back. Anything."
"That’s me—defying expectations wherever I go."
"Your love of artificial stimulants will be the death of you one day."
"I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the magic math thing. How does it work, exactly?"
"The first rule of Tautology Club is the first rule of Tautology Club."
"This is just making it a little closer to formal."
"Someone had snatched Chelsea. Someone was pursuing her, for reasons we still didn’t know."
"If he weren’t Cait Sidhe, I’d have claimed him as my squire a long damn time ago."
"Surprising you was better than the alternatives."
"The more time I spend with Tybalt, the more I think that investing in some good silk long underwear would be a good idea."
"There is, however, the matter of my payment to be settled."
"Kissing Tybalt was like standing too close to an open fire, all heat and the promise of pain if I came any closer."
"Close your mouth before a Folletti flies into it."
"I can’t sense danger coming without making a serious effort."
"If one of you wanted to stay here, and maybe help me make sure I didn’t get distracted…"
"Don’t the nobles ever make you wait to show who’s in charge where you come from?"
"I’m the King of Cats, October, not the King of Goblins."
"I trusted him to bring me safe out the other side."
"He’s not my boyfriend, and he’s good at not getting caught when he doesn’t want to be."
"Shoot, you mean you’re here about a runaway?"
"You’ve never come to see me before, and it’d be plain rude to send you packing without letting you experience the grandeur of a formal reception."
"I didn’t kill her, and I didn’t invade her lands when that little abomination you call a daughter took power."
"Don’t let go of the rose until you’re off the Road."
"I need to catch my breath, and I will crush this insurrection."
"You can learn anything you wish to know about me merely by licking your fingers."
"That’s why I hated the changelings for so long."
"I love you, October. I’ll be sorry if we die here, but I won’t be sorry I helped you… and I won’t be sorry I finally told you."
"You could have put her aside, but you let her interfere with the smooth running of the Court."
"Tell you what. You don’t make a habit of this, I won’t make a habit of getting myself gutted, how’s that?"
"Answering a question with a question is inefficient."
"Please don’t calculate how much of my blood isn’t actually inside my body right now."
"I’m pretty damn indestructible. Me and cockroaches."
"Weird and irritating? What gives you that idea?"
"When I was little, all I wanted was to be normal, so Mom wouldn’t have to spend all her time worrying about me."
"All the wishing in the world can’t make me human."
"This is something I should have done sixteen years ago."
"We need to feel like a family again. We had gone too long without really being one."
"Sometimes a chance is more than enough. Sometimes that’s all you need to have everything."
"Will I see you tonight? No. You’ll see me right now."