
Origin Quotes

Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Origin Quotes
"You have to admit that if they were so good at hiding the fact they weren't even human, how good they must be at hiding something as invisible as their allegiance."
"This is their planet. We are the guests here, buddy."
"I don’t think you are. Hybrids are notoriously unbalanced, even the ones who have mutated successfully."
"I know you’re thinking of Dawson and Bethany. You don’t know the whole story behind them."
"I’ve done terrible things. You have no idea. I’ve ki—"
"I will do anything, but I want to see Kat first, and I want to see her now."
"I love you so much. I don’t want you here, but I love you."
"This isn’t our future, Kitten. I promise you."
"I’ll never grow tired of hearing you say that."
"You can’t judge an entire race based on a few individuals."
"I let myself rest against him, probably relaxing for the first time since I’d gotten there."
"Daemon snorted. 'No. We were just saying how sad we were that you guys weren’t visiting us.'"
"Daemon’s voice became low and dangerous, and my stomach sank."
"I’m not sure that’s how it goes, I told him, squeezing my palm shut against the burn."
"One would think that Daemon being his normal cocky, arrogant self was a good thing."
"I savored his embrace. Does it? That stuff is being given to humans who are sick."
"Before he could start drooling on Daemon, the door burst open and an out-of-breath officer appeared."
"Archer shrugged. 'He had a point. You need to learn manners.'"
"A small smile split her lips. 'Well, aren’t you just a special snowflake,' Daemon murmured."
"Watching him take on his true form was nothing short of awe-inspiring."
"Daemon looked like he was going to call their bluff, and I knew that they would go through with it."
"My heart was pounding crazy fast and my stomach was jumping."
"He caught whatever else I was going to say with his mouth."
"Healing Kat had exhausted me. That made everyone in that room very lucky because I was sure I could’ve taken out at least two of them."
"The origin of the perfect species? I felt like I’d fallen headfirst into a really bad science-fiction movie."
"I wondered if the good doctor was going to kiss him."
"Part of me wanted to stay to see what the hell an origin was."
"Out of freaking nowhere, a dart slammed into the kid’s neck."
"He was still staring at me like I was insane."
"We're going to let the kids loose, and then we're going to get back on this elevator and head to ground level."
"I would take out an army, burn down an entire city, and throw the world into chaos if I had to in order to keep Kat out of that place."
"If you screw us over, I will not think twice about killing you in front of God and everyone."
"It's okay. Whatever you're feeling right now is okay."
"How cute," Archer said, sliding a look at Daemon. "You should see yourself right now. Like a kitten—that's what I keep telling you. Your hackles are raised."
"You’re a smart-ass," Daemon said, shoulders stiffening. "And I don’t like you."
"I'm pretty sure I locked that door," Daemon growled.
"So, is this car my surprise? I can get down with that."
"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," Paris said, starting the Hummer.
"I want to spend every second, every minute, every hour with you."
"I want a year’s worth of seconds and minutes with you. I want a decade’s worth of hours, so many that I can’t add them up."
"I’m in love with you, Kat. I will always be in love with you."
"This isn’t your fault, Daemon. None of this is."
"I want to make you exceedingly, insanely happy."
"We were chest to chest, and the shudder that rolled through her short-circuited my senses."
"I knew right then that there’d never be a more beautiful, more perfect moment in my life than this."
"I want to marry you because I’m in love with you."
"Wrong answer. You always have a choice. It’s the one thing that no one can strip from us."
"Daemon’s heart rate kicked up in his chest, jarring mine."
"We’ll all do crazy shit to protect the ones we love."
"This wasn’t how I’d wanted my mom to discover that I was alive."
"They had no idea what I was truly capable of."
"It was something intimate about this, our elbows and hands brushing."
"I will always love you. And we are in this together. That’s never going to change."
"What’s more, she knows something most don’t. That the secrets her town holds could kill them all."
"It’s Callie’s seventeenth birthday and she’s awaiting her vision—a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they’re meant to be."