
1105 Yakima Street Quotes

1105 Yakima Street by Debbie Macomber

1105 Yakima Street Quotes
"We spend a lot of time on the phone. Today wasn’t an exception." Whenever he called her, whenever she called him, Shirley felt like a teenager again. Her heart would leap with joy at the sound of his voice.
"I came here hoping you’d be reasonable, hoping to convince you of my love… ."
"I want my husband to be a man who honors my place in his life. A man who doesn’t allow his children to dictate what goes on in his household. A man who’ll cherish his role and mine—and frankly, at this moment, you aren’t that man. And I don’t know if you ever will be."
"Of course I will, but until then I’d appreciate it if you stayed out of my life."
"I want," she said emphatically, "to get to the root of the problem and that means seeing a counselor. A family counselor," she specified. "A professional trained to deal with situations like this."
"I can’t stay away, Rachel. I’ve tried but I can’t make myself do it."
"I made a mistake of marrying Jolene’s father. To be fair to the teenager, Jolene had wanted Rachel and Bruce to wait until she’d had time to get used to the idea. Bruce, however, wouldn’t hear of it. He’d wanted them married. Well, so did Rachel, although she’d asked Bruce to delay the wedding because of Jolene’s qualms. But by then…the momentum of their plans had taken over."
"Don’t come here again, Bruce. I’m warning you, if you do Jane will ask security to step in."
"Fine, if that’s what it takes to talk to you, then I’ll gladly let them arrest me."
"Rachel didn’t respond to his comment and returned to the salon."
"Then why not." Getting on with the shipyard would certainly help her situation.
"I already have." Booking an extended lunch hour, she’d gone to the shipyard employment office, had an interview and taken a test.
"I know someone in HR and I’ll drop off a résumé for you."
"My mother is trying so hard to be helpful and God bless her for it."
"Don’t ‘honey’ me. Look at this." She flew off the bed to her underwear drawer and yanked it open, then removed the now-pink panties and waved them at him.
"Believe what you want. You aren’t the right man for Shirley."
"I think we need to have Mom tested for Alzheimer’s. Or perhaps she has some other form of dementia."
"That makes me an aunt for the second time," Gloria whispered.
"I’ll take you home," Grace informed the puppy, "but don’t get too comfortable because you’re not staying, understand?"
"We didn’t say we wouldn’t be charging rent."
"I don’t mean to hide from you, Bruce. But…well, it’s difficult."
"I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this."
"You already know the way to my heart, Gloria. You always have."
"I thought you’d want to celebrate. You’ve beaten me, Jolene. You win."
"If you say anything else, I swear I will walk out this door and never return."
"You could have said no, but I’m grateful you didn’t."
"What’s going on? Why else would you drag me here on my day off?"
"Perhaps I wanted the pleasure of your company."
"I am not keeping that dog. If anything, I’ll give him to Maryellen and Jon for the kids."
"I’m pretty sure my brother’s attracted to Miranda."
"But it wasn’t long before Will realized what an asset she is, so he had to humble himself and ask her to return."
"I don’t know if I could trust him after he moved back here."
"She’s been wonderful with your mother and Ben."
"I have no idea why you took such an instant dislike to me."
"My point is this. Like you, I’m willing to work hard. I’m ambitious."
"I married your daughter because I’m in love with her."
"The fact that you have to ask tells me everything."
"You might find this hard to believe, but when I married Lori I didn’t have a clue that she was from a wealthy family."
"Are you out of your mind? What would ever make you think I’d give you and Lori my blessing?"
"My hope is that one day you’ll say the same thing about me."