
Once Upon A Crime Quotes

Once Upon A Crime by Michael Buckley

Once Upon A Crime Quotes
"Isn’t anyone worried that this hunk of junk might kill us?"
"She always wore colorful dresses and matching hats with a sunflower appliqué in the center."
"Sabrina was sure if she didn’t stay on her toes her entire family would be dead by nightfall."
"It’s my new word. It means her jerkiness isn’t normal—it’s superpowered."
"Sabrina, Wilhelm’s barrier didn’t go up until twenty years after the Everafters arrived in this country."
"She prided herself on being strong, not a weepy girlie-girl, but she couldn’t help herself."
"The world had kept on spinning while the Everafters were stuck in Ferryport Landing."
"Granny shook her head. "Daphne, Andersen wasn’t an Everafter. He just wrote about them. He died a long time ago.""
"It was one of the most unusual groups of people Sabrina had ever seen."
"I’m not being gullible! What does gullible mean?"
"I knew it. They hate us here just like they do back in Ferryport Landing. They’re going to kill us."
"Together the girls stomped down hard on the tops of Oberon’s toes. The fairy king yelped in pain and bent over to rub his bruised feet."
"They’re just like their mother!" Oberon shouted.
"Oberon, we didn’t come here to get caught up in the politics of the city," she said.
""Ma’am is a name for old ladies," she said as she tried to catch her breath. "You can call me Bess, cowboy.""
""Stay close," he said, shoving back through the crowd."
""She won’t kill me," the fairy said. "I’m a princess.""
""Then don’t. I’m not letting him anywhere near your mother," Sabrina said."
""You don’t have to, Sabrina," Granny finally said. Sabrina was stunned."
""I don’t want to do this," she said to her grandmother."
"Liebling, you’ve got food all down the front of your shirt. Let me take you into the bathroom and clean you up."
""You’re a … jerkazoid and I don’t need you. I’ll be a fairy-tale detective all by myself!" Daphne turned and stomped out of the room."
""You just found an important clue!" Granny was excited."
""It means he’s got a huge crush on her," Granny said."
""I’m so sorry," Granny said, stepping between Moth and everyone else."
"You buggers show up anytime you please. Mr. Scrooge is a busy man and hasn’t the time to waste on a bunch of penniless layabouts."
"We’re very busy here and we only have time for paying and living customers."
"OK, I’m satisfied. Now, are you here for the boss’s financial expertise or are you interested in his supernatural skills?"
"It’s really difficult to approve home loans with the Ghost of Earth Day Future walking around turning off all the office computers to save energy."
"We do two things here: finances and phantoms."
"Everyone wanted to kill the king. I wanted to kill the king. He was a jerk!"
"You read the sign on the door, right? You people aren’t getting it, are you?"
"Fine, if you want the whole shebang there’s no extra charge."
"You’re a natural medium. Ghosts feel comfortable talking through you."
"It’s the closest thing I’ll get to real magic."
"You can go back to Ferryport Landing dead or alive. Your choice."
"All passengers, welcome to the D train. Please, no eating, drinking, or playing loud music while onboard."
"If we caught him down here we’d teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. The tunnels belong to us."
"There’s diamonds down here somewhere. I can smell ‘em. All we have to do is find them."
"Dirty lunatics that keep invading our tunnels. Gulliver should have never brought them over here!"
"Dirty, stinking slackers. Go find another neighborhood. Haven’t you ever heard of Brooklyn?"
"It doesn’t look like we have much choice. We can slam into the wall and get mangled in twisted metal or save ourselves but possibly die a fiery death."
"I’ve got an idea! But you’re not going to like it."
"South Ferry is the last and final stop on this train!"
"I’m not in any group and I didn’t kill Oberon!"
"Your mother never took my advances seriously. Most of the time she was too busy with her big plan to fix our community to even notice I was flirting."
"You have nothing to fear, my large friend, praise be. I am Sinbad and I have faced these foul vermin before."
"I’d rather try and fail than stand by and watch people suffer. We’re Grimms. That’s what we really do. Help people."
"I don’t want to be a Grimm. Look at these maniacs. They’re having fun. And you know why? Because they can’t die unless someone tries really hard to kill them. This is just a stupid game to them."
"We’re fairy tales. It’s time for your bedtime story."
"I thought we’d have an eternity of those moments. Now he’s gone and there are so many things I wish I had said."
"The cocoon removed the poisons from your system and allowed you to heal."
"Blood isn’t something you can walk away from."
"It’s more than being a detective … sometimes, I’m the only hope an Everafter has of making it in this world."
"My work with these people is exciting, fascinating, and most of all—important."
"You are all Everafters. Your neighbor’s needs are your needs. His passions are your passions, and his heartbreak is your sorrow as well."
"Don’t waste time finding differences. When you talk to your neighbors, close your eyes and you will truly see them."