
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance Quotes

Captain Vorpatril's Alliance by Lois McMaster Bujold

Captain Vorpatril's Alliance Quotes
"I don't hit girls. Generally. Well, there was that time with Delia Koudelka when I was twelve, but she hit me first, and it really hurt, too."
"I can take no for an answer if I have to. Someone else will say yes eventually."
"If I'd been trying to attack her, I’d have succeeded."
"I don’t know if I’d fallen into the hands of crazy people, or terrorists, or spies, or what."
"Getting myself loose seemed a better bet than drawing attention."
"I didn’t figure this was exactly how Komarrans went visiting their friends, y’know?"
"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."
"Professional petty criminals in the domes don’t normally adopt such extreme military techniques."
"Your head buzzes for hours, and your vision is messed up. Balance, too. It’s no wonder I sounded drunk."
"The sensible thing would be to go to Dome Security for help."
"Once they grab us, the chances for the last escape will grow very constrained. Too soon could become too late too fast to target."
"If you haven’t got a better plan, right now, we’re going. Because later will be too late."
"A woman who marries a Barrayaran subject automatically becomes a Barrayaran subject."
"My full name is Akuti Tejaswini Jyoti ghem Estif Arqua."
"I think we should run tomorrow, as soon as he goes off to that HQ of his."
"But we can only go there if we are absolutely certain that we've broken our trail in a way that the Prestene syndicate can't pick up again."
"It's Service Security's problem now. That's what delegation is for."
"I thought I seduced her, but in retrospect, I realize she seduced me."
"We had a place we were planning to go—not here on Barrayar, not in the Imperium, in fact."
"By no means. Performance arts do not mesh well with hiding for one's life."
"I was a desperately randy adolescent—almost any experience would have seemed positive."
"It's only a practice marriage. So I ought to get in some practice, don't you think?"
"My dear and only child, how did you come by that misapprehension?"
"This is a Barrayaran ceremony for remembrance."
"It's nothing at all difficult. Especially not after thirty-five repetitions."
"I never said. First you were too young to understand, and then you were too adolescent to understand, and then... we were both much busier with our lives, and this had all become a rote exercise."
"I was all about the bakery, for the longest time."
"A woman might fall in love with the hands. Though only if the woman were nearly as foolish as my little even-sister-which, luckily, doesn’t seem to be possible."
"I have an allergy to total strangers trying to kill me, is all."
"Thirty-five funerals seemed too many. Yet none was not enough."
"You're smart. You could pick anything you liked."
"It was like some weird sort of honeymoon in reverse."
"It’s the backbone one wants to see in an agent."
"But apparently, he’s been kept close confined here in the capital under the eyes of his handlers for nearly the whole of that career."
"It’s easier to turn one million into two million than it is to turn one into two."
"Both success and failure are feedback loops."
"I’ve been face flat, sucking gutter slime, three times in my life, and had to start again each time from scratch."
"I’m getting too old to enjoy shoveling that shit anymore, but I can’t say I don’t know how."
"I was prepared to jump off a damned balcony for you. Shouldn’t that be enough?"
"I hadn’t thought about it in years. Decades, really."
"Making this cache into a test and wedding gift in one, if Shiv can extract it."
"What we had here in Vorbarr Sultana was only a regional outpost, mind you."
"Married people shouldn’t keep secrets from each other."
"Old dogs, new tricks, who knows where it could all end?"
"I do not have a claustrophobia thing. I have a perfectly rational dislike of being locked up in small, dark, wet spaces by people trying to kill me."
"You don’t know what they’ll drag in. My other one married this Komarran fellow, who is completely useless but at least lives five jumps away."
"And weren’t those the days. Was old Selby insane, to take that defense contract with Komarr?"
"I’m not as ambitious as when we were younger. Nor as energetic. Nor as crazy."
"We might not have much longer together on Barrayar. Pidge is having trouble getting the visa extension."
"The limits of trust depend much on whether you mean to do business more than once. But it’s just good practice never to show all your cards in the first round of a deal."
"I would feel more secure if we could have found a place to rent or buy. Really proof against interruptions."
"So what do you care? If you really think the bunker is empty."
"I know a lot more about what’s going on with you and your folks than you think."
"You know what I like best about you, Ivan Xav? You're nice. And you make me laugh."
"This is practically a palace, by comparison."
"What I like best about you, Ivan Xav, is that you're nice. And you make me laugh."
"I'm sure they'll find that access well in the garage pretty quick."
"If anyone can get through from that side... well, they'll get to us somehow. Sooner or later."
"There’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while."
"Will you stay with me for the rest of my life?"
"If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."