
Ambrosia Quotes

Ambrosia by C.N. Crawford

Ambrosia Quotes
"The demons had cursed us. After the conquest, the demons condemned us to endless winters until we learned how to keep them at bay with the power of a queen and a throne."
"Years ago, Torin killed the one woman he wanted to marry, Milisandia. Because of that curse, Torin’s plan was to find a bride he cannot love."
"The scent of the forest filled my nose, rich and primeval: moss, soil, and undertones of sweet almonds."
"I breathed in, trying to calm myself. The scent of the forest filled my nose, rich and primeval: moss, soil, and undertones of sweet almonds."
"In Torin’s words: Monsters…demons…even speaking of them could draw their twisted attention."
"If Queen Mab captured me, I’d be quite literally flayed alive."
"The corner of his mouth quirked. 'You can’t be serious, changeling.'"
"The Sword of Whispers whispered of death and valor, of ravaged bodies and the songs of gods."
"I felt so wildly helpless there, but with Torin? It didn’t matter if we were technically from enemy factions. I was safe with him."
"A ghost of sorrow crossed his perfect features."
"I’d sworn off men, and him specifically. But now? I was desperate to feel something crack through the icy numbness in my chest."
"Responding to my command, he leaned down and claimed my mouth with his."
"I want to take my time to savor every moment, Ava."
"Under the intensity of his gaze, my chest flushed."
"If I could have you always around me naked, Ava, I would be a happy man."
"As my orgasm rocked through me, my thoughts fragmented."
"In Faerie, I will freeze anyone that I love, Ava."
"You are death. The final rattle. You are the cold, silent shadows at the end."
"I don’t think I’d ever get back to my old life, or that I’d see Shalini again. But I could try to kill the queen, and that was enough to bring a smile to my face."
"My power was magma locked under the frozen earth."
"The rest of the world faded away, the Seelie and Unseelie, and it was just the two of us lighting each other up."
"Who am I to defy the Queen’s explicit orders?"
"Her methods can seem brutal, but she has the best interests of her family at heart."
"Perhaps that’s what she intended at the time before you tried to kill her."
"But our success depends on her ruthlessness in protecting us."
"Every living thing here was connected, interacting. Communicating."
"Morgant, I plan to make this hurt until you tell me what I want."
"I wasn’t sure why it mattered, but I kept wondering what they’d done with Torin’s body."
"I never expected to find that our king has betrayed us."
"If people were comfortable, they might welcome Torin back again if he returned."
"Aeron, do you know what I would give to take you to a dive bar in my hometown?"
"We’re not like the Seelie. They live for pleasure. We live for duty."
"She promised to let me go if I killed Torin."
"I can no longer piece together a coherent thought, just panicked, fragmented wisps."
"It was only then that I realized the crowd had turned to me, eyes narrowed with suspicion."
"I needed to memorize the feel of him, the smell of him. Because when he left, I’d be living in a world of shadows."
"Curse or not, we belonged together, joined by a bone-deep connection."
"His jaw flexed, and I sensed he was losing the battle with his tightly leashed control."
"I wasn’t sure that I’d ever felt truly alive until this moment."
"Under the dress, I was completely naked and slick with desire for him."
"Torin’s eyes swept down my body, and he went rigid as if he were seeing me naked for the first time."
"A tear rolled down my cheek, and I wiped it away with my palm. Why did it feel so hard to breathe?"
"Ava, you have made me thoroughly undone in every possible way."
"I’d sensed it before, but now I knew for certain that fae men were built differently in every way."
"Ava." My name on his tongue was a hoarse groan that lit my blood on fire."
"I wasn’t going to see him again. I could see myself running up to him and ramming the shard of mirror into his shoulder."
"My back pressed against the wall, and he paused at my entrance."
"Watching the ecstatic look on his face, his eyes closed, I shuddered against him with aftershocks of pleasure."
"I swallowed hard. "The curse doesn’t work here. How do you know it will work in the human realm?""
"The Seelie king was enjoying my body, dangerously turned on as I was."
"I threaded my fingers into his dark hair, committing the feel of it to my memory."
"I don’t think I’d go back to it. What was the point of jogging when you could actually fly?"
"He dragged me across the icy snow, hoisting me into a cart."
"She’s trying to kill us all. She’s convinced the army that you’re working with Mab."
"I had power over him now, and it intoxicated me."
"The asshole had wanted to keep me in a cage, to torture me for fun."
"The fae lay on the ancient flagstones, candlelight dancing over his handsome features."
"The agony of losing the only person I loved. It was all for this moment."
"I clamped a hand on my hips, rooting me against the dew-kissed stone wall, exactly where he wanted me."
"I stared at the piece of the mirror. I’d hardly moved in the past hour."
"I’d become quite used to lying after a few years with the Bureau, though I still lacked the skill of the Virginia Stallion."
"My lies bored even me, but I wasn’t about to expose the fact that I was here to profile London’s most famous serial killer since Jack the Ripper."
"It creeped people out when I said I was an FBI special agent."
"I wasn’t about to expose the fact that I was here to profile London’s most famous serial killer since Jack the Ripper."
"The girls they found, they was... Well, I don’t want to scare you."
"The financial district. You ask me, half those people should be in jail. Mucking about with the stock market and all that."
"I didn’t need him to tell me the details—I’d been poring over them for the entire flight, and before that, in my BAU office back at Quantico."
"A lie, and one boring enough that he wouldn’t ask any follow-up questions."
"The driver turned to me. 'You hear about the new Ripper murders in the City?' he asked."
"I am losing my mind. I obviously needed sleep, or water, or perhaps several Manhattans."