
Sparkling Cyanide Quotes

Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie

Sparkling Cyanide Quotes
"Of what good was remembrance? Forget it all! Forget the whole horrible business."
"You didn't think about your mother or your father or your sister or your aunt. They just existed, unquestioned, in those relationships."
"Frightening, really, how little you might know of a person after living in the same house with them!"
"I don't care what happens to me. You know that."
"I've never been able to suffer fools gladly - not even fools with pretty faces."
"He said in a mechanical voice: 'Depression after influenza.'"
"Rosemary - her sister... With a shock Iris realised suddenly that it was the first time in her life she had ever thought about Rosemary."
"It's a horrible feeling. I don't know whether one ever gets over it. Sometimes I feel absolutely tongue-tied."
"She had taken it for granted that Rosemary was happy and contented and that she and George were quite satisfied with one another."
"She's the kind of girl who would expect you to tell her every morning at the breakfast table that you loved her passionately!"
"It's a pity that we don't live in the days of the Borgias..."
"A glass of poisoned champagne was about the only thing that would keep Rosemary quiet."
"Rosemary - that's for remembrance. How horribly true that was."
"It was no good a person being dead if they lived on in your mind."
"Something, some instinct, had bade her hide from Stephen her own passion, her single-hearted devotion."
"She could read in Stephen's polite face, with eyes abstracted, just what his memories were, what he was thinking about."
"It was difficult to assess the suffering she had been through."
"To care with a desperation, an intensity that was unusual among women!"
"That's why I asked you first if you could trust me."
"I don't suppose it's really anything to do with it, but -"
"Mercifully I don't think Dagoes. When they've drunk too much they're not a bit refined any more - a girl never knows what unpleasantness she may be let in for."
"Why do you want to get into such states about everything, I can't think."
"You see I'm enjoying it right here - and if it was police business the firm couldn't kick."
"But Kemp declined to rise to this wistful bait, and he and Race drove to Brook Street."
"We naturally wanted to upset the young lady as little as possible."
"There's something about an empty table which gives me the creeps."
"It seemed to me it was a most extraordinary idea."
"I've no idea who bumped the old boy off - no idea at all."
"I don't like Dagoes. When they've drunk too much they're not a bit refined any more."
"Little by little I got further into the centre of things - a great international net run from Central Europe."
"Suddenly, to my horror, I found that she knew I had been in prison in America as Tony Morelli."
"It's nothing to laugh at. It's - it's about the other night."
"I'm worried about you - oh! not about your miraculous escape from under the wheels of a car, but about the reason that lets you moon about in the midst of traffic."
"We all went to the same table - a great long glass-topped one."
"Someone had put that packet in my bag - they must have done."
"I didn't say anything. I was too frightened."
"We've got to resolve all the difficulties and get at the truth."
"That's got to be my job - and I'll do it somehow."
"It's the Inspector I mean," said Iris. "He described finding a small paper packet under the table containing traces of potassium cyanide."