
The Solitaire Mystery Quotes

The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder

The Solitaire Mystery Quotes
"I think he occasionally felt guilty for going on about things like this with his son, and when you feel guilty, you tend to be a little more generous."
"My advice to all those who are going to find themselves is: stay exactly where you are. Otherwise you are in great danger of losing yourself forever."
"I know the comparison stumbles a little. One case revolved around apples and the other around cowberries."
"You can’t go around your whole life blaming yourself for a child that is already born."
"The galaxies are like deserted islands without any ferry connections."
"We talk, argue, and fight, leave each other and die. Do you see? We are so damned clever, making atom bombs and sending rockets to the moon. But none of us asks where we come from."
"I knew that I hadn’t said anything, and even if I had told him that I came from Arendal, the little man wouldn’t have understood, because I didn’t speak a single word of German."
"It was a clear glass bottle, but the contents were red, yellow, green, and violet – or all these colors at once."
"I thought it was mean of him not to come with me. But today – today I’m glad I did as he said. I think I was born under a luckier star than Dad."
"A life raft can drift with the wind and rain before sailing towards the ocean in the distance. But some rafts sail a totally different course. They sail towards the land of tomorrow."
"The moon had gone down, but above the mountains there was a sparkling shower of fiery stars – as though they were being shaken from a magic salt cellar."
"I felt, through my entire body, as though this planet was my home."
"Already I understood why Rainbow Fizz was a dangerous drink. It had awakened a thirst which could never be completely quenched."
"The last thing Father said before he fell asleep was that Mother was an angel and brandy was the devil’s curse."
"Every little animal is an individual. This goldfish swimming round and round inside the glass bowl lives only this once, and one day when it comes to the end of its life, it will never return."
"But it’s good to know there is someone to carry on from where the old leave off."
"It was strange to think I was under the same sky as Mother and Father back home in Lübeck."
"Because stars don’t gossip, Albert. They don’t care how we live our lives on earth."
"Life is one huge lottery where only the winning tickets are visible."
"You are also a two-legged human being crawling around on a planet in the universe."
"It is terribly strenuous to have to relate yourself to all sorts of possible questions."
"Our lives are part of a unique adventure, nevertheless, most of us think the world is ‘normal’ and are constantly hunting for something abnormal."
"I felt as though my body was something odd and unknown to me."
"How could life on this planet be something you either turned your back on or took for granted?"
"If our brain was simple enough for us to understand it, we would be so stupid we wouldn’t be able to understand it after all."
"It was a mystery to me how people on earth could simply roam around the world without asking questions, over and over again, about who they were and where they came from."
"But if the world is a magic trick, then there must be a great magician, too."
"He could at least have signed the masterpiece before He took off."
"I couldn’t understand how something could just grow out of nothing."
"We are thrown together with a sprinkling of stardust. But what's that? Where the hell does this world come from?"
"You cannot hide from Time. You can hide from kings and emperors, and possibly from God, but you can't hide from Time."
"Time eats its way through history as silently and relentlessly as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west."
"We skip around on earth like characters in a fairy tale."
"We open our arms and declare that we exist, but then we are swept aside and thrust into the depths of history."
"There is nothing as complicated and precious as a person, my boy – but we are treated like trash."
"We are part of an eternal masquerade where the masks come and go."
"There’s something in here which can’t be washed away."
"Destiny is a snake which is so hungry it devours itself."
"We are living in a mystical fairy tale beneath the heavens."
"We have crossed oceans and moods, I have struggled over mountains and difficult thoughts, but someone has shuffled the cards."
"The very last sentence Baker Hans had heard in the Joker Game, and which had been repeated three times because of the King of Spades’s impatience, was: 'The one who sees through destiny must also live through it.'"
"For the first time in my life I understood what it meant to be a person, and at the same time I understood that if I had continued to drink the strange drink, then this feeling would gradually slip away until at last it disappeared completely."
"Now I appreciated how much of a victory it must have been for Frode and the Joker to have given up the Rainbow Fizz."
"One should bend over every single new citizen of the world and say, 'Welcome to the world, little friend! You are tremendously lucky to be here.'"
"As time passes – and the memories float further and further away from that which once created them – the doubt always comes sneaking into my mind."
"The greatest thing of all is love. Time can’t pale that as easily as it fades old memories."
"Maybe the greatest mystery of all was how we managed to free Mama from the fashion fairy tale."
"As Socrates said, the only thing I know is that I know nothing."
"I am positive there is still a Joker roaming around the world. He will make sure that the world never rests."