
The Book Of Cold Cases Quotes

The Book Of Cold Cases by Simone St. James

The Book Of Cold Cases Quotes
"The land was too wet and rocky to keep building, so the newer developments tapered off into woods and two-lane roads."
"Something about the Greer mansion stifled laughter and killed happiness. It might sound dramatic, but anyone who had lived there knew it was true."
"By 1975, both Julian and Mariana were dead, Julian with his blood all over the kitchen floor, Mariana in the twisted wreck of a car crash."
"The wind groaned in the eaves. The handprint faded. The figure moved back into the darkness. And the house was still once more."
"My divorce was still new. I had no kids. My place was small, smelled of paint, and only contained the bare necessities of furniture."
"A novel always ends, the lies come to the surface, and the deaths are explained."
"They probably all thought it wasn’t healthy. But I’ve always believed that murder is the healthiest obsession of all."
"The man in the overcoat was divorced, guaranteed, and I’d bet money the woman was texting a kid who was in school while spending a court-designated week with his father."
"My therapists called it a defense mechanism; I only knew it was me, like my height or the shape of my chin."
"But my lack of gregariousness wasn’t the only reason my coworkers gave me a wide berth."
"She decorated the rest of the house dutifully but listlessly, which was a harbinger of their marriage."
"I’d known since I was nine that I was lucky to have any life at all."
"People could get as angry about a twenty-year-old murder as they could about modern-day politics."
"That’s the first scoop for your article, I suppose: Beth Greer has been an on-and-off drunk since 1974 or so."
"Sometimes you just get stuck. For years, even. Like you and your silly car phobia."
"You’re young, you’re beautiful, and as of now you’re alone and very rich. My dear, you need a lawyer more than anything."
"I first met your father when he called me up to make an impaired driving charge go away."
"I got him off the drunk driving charge, because I’m good and that’s the way the world works."
"I hadn’t seen him in two years, but I knew all of those things were still true."
"I didn’t tell them anything because I don’t know anything."
"It would have been nice to hate Will—it really would have. But the truth was, he honestly was the best of men."
"The bar was called Watertown’s, a big, high-ceilinged room with dim lighting and loud music."
"The Claire Lake papers had already convicted her."
"Beth wasn’t convinced, but then again, she knew absolutely nothing about what love looked like."
"Beth laughed. 'You’re dating a kindergarten teacher?'"
"I hated it. It took years for me to admit it."
"I’m a writer, Shea. Haven’t you figured that out yet?"
"As if they could fool her into thinking they had a happy family if they only argued after she was supposedly asleep."
"She’d decide that Christmas was going to be wonderful this year and it was going to solve all of her problems."
"Your father would let me die in the street like a stray dog," she said. "But he can’t, so that’s too bad for him."
"People think you’ll do nothing, which means you can do anything. I’ll show you."
"I hate being a girl," Beth said, throwing her favorite doll across her bedroom. "I hate it. Being a girl is awful."
"No matter how close Beth got—it was part of the competition—Lily always got so close it was scary, her sneakers sliding almost over the precipice when she landed."
"She’s easy," Lily said when Beth described one particular classmate. "Pretend you like her, and you’ll get what you want."
"It’s because you’re pretty," Lily, who was twelve, said when Beth complained about this problem. "Get used to it."
"I’ll bet there are deaths in those cities, when Lily was there, that no one could ever explain."
"I shouldn’t be surprised. Ransom had told me he’d be loyal to Beth to the end."
"Beth is the sweet one, not a killer like her sister."
"This is the story," I said, feeling bitterness as I looked at the records.
"I’m a night owl. I just don’t want you to miss the last bus."
"You, of all people, are going to tell me that?"
"I turned to find Michael looking at me. How was he this handsome?"
"I just leaned up, put my hands on his shoulders, and kissed him."
"She’s the one who selflessly saves orphans and single mothers."
"I wanted to reach back through the doorway of this photo and—what? Stop Lily?"
"Could she have done it? Maybe she could. Maybe she shot two random men just because she was rich and bored and crazy."
"That any woman who doesn’t fit inside a neat little box, any woman who has sexuality as blatant and unapologetic as Beth Greer’s, maybe that woman is dangerous."
"It’s amazing what you can do when you stop sleepwalking through your own life."
"We don’t hang out. We have talked—I’ll say that she knows my number, and I know hers."
"I’ve been researching this case. I’ve seen some things. I had an accident it took months to recover from. Honestly, not much scares me anymore."
"You’re so freaking brave it blows me away. Beth Greer must hate you, too."
"The law of double jeopardy would apply to the murders of Armstrong and Veerhoever, though it would not apply to any other crimes."
"You must have been so disappointed to find out they didn’t take samples in 1977."
"If I’m such a pain in your ass, then why are you calling me?"