
Masquerade Quotes

Masquerade by Melissa de la Cruz

Masquerade Quotes
"But that was a long time ago, and the family fortune had been dwindling for many years: Schuyler was more familiar with penny-pinching than shopping sprees."
"With her pale, ivory complexion, deep-set blue eyes, and mass of dark, blue-black hair, she was a stunning, impossibly lovely creature."
"This could end up being just a wild-goose chase."
"She is a vampire. So she lives," Charles said bitterly. "If this is what you call living."
"No one knows with the Professore. But I am lucky, he always pays his bills on time."
"I have nothing to hide. My life is in your hands."
"I don’t know where I’m going to find a ball dress," Mimi said airily.
"It’s like we have an open textbook or something," Bliss said.
"You should," Oliver said quietly. "Cordelia would have wanted you to."
"Jack had chosen a pointed collar that lay flat on his dress shirt rather than the traditional butterfly collar that turned up against the chin."
"Mimi was his other half, for better or worse, his best friend and worst enemy."
"What was The Committee hiding? Had a Silver Blood truly returned?"
"Charles Force was Michael, Pure of Heart, the Regis. A vampire by choice rather than sin, and infallible."
"I love you, you know. You make me crazy, but God help me, Jack, I do."
"You must be so fast that you are undetectable. So fast that you do not set off alarms. So fast that no one can see you."
"What we are doing here is merely rote memory. School teaches a different skill set entirely: socialization, debate, learning to mix with humans."
"It is imperative that we find traces, clues, to their operations by immersing ourselves in the history of the world."
"In fact, there is no such thing as invisibility. It is just that we are so fast, we are undetectable to the human eye."
"The Silver Bloods put no value on learning, and those who do not learn history are condemned to repeat it."
"We just saw Chantal," Bliss said, keeping the conversation afloat since Schuyler was too shy to speak to him directly."
"Being swift is not enough. You must be so fast that you are undetectable."
"Perhaps then one of us will successfully figure out the mystery of their continued existence."
"Humans think that we have the capacity of infinite knowledge, when in fact all we have is a perfect photographic memory."
"If you want to know how to defeat the Silver Bloods, and find out who or what is responsible for their return, you will have to learn how to use your Blue Blood knowledge and abilities first."
"That’s absolutely ludicrous. I don’t bear the Mark of Lucifer any more than the rest of you."
"I laugh in the face of death. But then again, I am Death."
"Your grandmother always said never to trust shiny surfaces. They hide a multitude of flaws."
"I’m not hurting you, am I?" "No . . . It feels . . . good, actually."
"You have not done as you were told," he said grimly.
"But I do not know. I have always harbored my doubts about the Martins."
"It proves Cordelia and I were right all along."
"Lawrence, you might have won the leadership of the Coven, but I have won the adoption battle."
"There’s no time for that now. I know who the Silver Blood is."