
My Dark Vanessa Quotes

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

My Dark Vanessa Quotes
"You’re so strong. You’re so brave. What kind of monster could do that to a child?"
"There’s no need to try so hard. He created this mess. It’s his problem, not mine."
"With an unwavering smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes."
"I’m here if you want to talk—then think better and delete it, send instead a wordless line of question marks."
"It’s thrilling to talk like this, to creep so close to the edge."
"We spent days watching CNN, the looped clips of kids running for their lives."
"The secret to a happy life is not to let yourself be dragged down into negativity."
"I press myself into the passenger seat, wishing my body could sink into it entirely."
"The first thing I notice about him—the first thing anyone must notice—is his size."
"I love Strane’s middle-aged caution, his slow courtship."
"You were so insatiable. That firm little body."
"I need him to say again that she’s lying, that she was a liar ten years ago and is a liar still."
"I want to tell him he’s being overdramatic, that it’ll be ok so long as he’s innocent."
"I was the first student who put the thought in his head."
"He loved me so much that sometimes after I left his classroom, he lowered himself into my chair."
"He was careful with me. He tried so hard to be good."
"It’s been surreal to watch it play out day after day, these men falling so easily."
"It should be ok. Everything she wrote is a lie."
"I’ve been a teacher at Browick for thirteen years."
"It’s just my luck that when I finally find my soul mate, she’s fifteen years old."
"I wasn’t made for them. I loved Strane’s middle-aged caution."
"We could take the interstate to Browick, but Mom refuses."
"I’m sorry. I know the last thing you want to deal with is a blubbering old man."
"You’re always mad at me, and I really don’t understand what I did to deserve it."
"We aren’t always going to fit together the way we do now."
"You’ll be the one to break my heart, you know."
"You should know I'm punishing myself plenty already."
"You were so brave then, more a warrior than a girl."
"In my eyes, you're strong, ok? You are incredibly, incredibly strong."
"What happened to that girl is nothing like what happened to me."
"It's hard to understand the damage it could have caused."
"It might seem small to you. But it was enough to wreck me."
"I can’t lose the thing I’ve held on to for so long."
"I'm never going to tell on him, no matter how bad he is."
"I want to crack his head open and take a big bite out of his brain."
"He makes me so mad but I can’t help but feel sorry for him."
"It's selfish to watch the rest of us not be believed and do nothing to help."
"It's your fault, you know. Everything wrong with me originated with you."
"I've known this whole time what he did to that girl."
"I want to defend myself, except I don’t know if anything he says is wrong."
"You’re right. It’s easy to make me into a bad man."
"I clench my fists, digging my fingernails into my palms."
"He drinks, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand."
"Raped while writhing in orgasm. Give me a fucking break."
"I think of those memos Strane wrote to cover his tracks."
"I never would have done it if you weren’t so willing."
"You’re an enigma. Impossible to understand."