
Rock Paper Scissors Quotes

Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

Rock Paper Scissors Quotes
"Time can change relationships like the sea reshapes the sand."
"We weren’t always the people we are now, but our memories of the past can make liars of us all."
"Human beings are a strange and unpredictable species."
"We weave our lives out of threads of opportunity and stitches of chance."
"Sometimes I feel like I need to check out of life the way other people check out of hotels."
"Writing is a hard way to make an easy living."
"All the things we don’t have are harder to see."
"Sometimes his success makes me feel like a failure."
"Marriage is either a winning lottery ticket or a straitjacket."
"Stories teach us about our past, enrich our present, and can predict our future."
"Memories are shapeshifters and dreams are not bound by truth."
"Life makes other plans when people forget to live."
"People should be more careful what they wish for."
"Words can’t fix everything, no matter how fond you are of them."
"Life is unpredictable at best, unforgivable at worst."
"Nobody knows everything about another person, no matter how long they’ve been together, but if you ever feel like you know too much then something is wrong."
"Trust can’t be borrowed, if you take it away you can’t give it back."
"The idea that failing to salute a magpie will result in bad luck waiting for you around the next corner is a myth my logical mind has never believed in."
"Sometimes home is more of a memory than a place."
"Secrets are only secrets for the people who don’t know them yet. They can morph into lies when shared."
"The best lessons are often the ones we don’t realise we’re being taught."
"Sometimes, the most innocent-seeming people turn out to be guilty of horrific things."
"The way some people blindly trust others has always baffled Robin."
"Lives carry on regardless of whether the people they belong to do."
"When you reach the top of a hill, you can often look back and see the whole path you took to make the journey."
"We stand side by side in silence, staring at the granite headstone, as if doing so might make the words engraved on it disappear."
"Writers are a strange and unpredictable species. To be one requires patience, determination, sufficient self-motivation to work alone in the dark, and the self-belief to keep going when the shadows try to consume them."
"The only good thing about losing everything, is the freedom that comes from having nothing left to lose."
"Sometimes a weekend away can be just what a couple needs to get them back on track, but things aren’t what or who they seem."
"The success of a relationship can’t be measured by longevity alone."
"It’s not about how long a relationship lasts, it’s about what it teaches you about each other and yourself."
"We are our parents’ echoes and sometimes they don’t like what they hear."
"Sometimes the things and people we think we need, are the ones we should stay away from."
"It’s hard to step out from a parent’s shadow when you inherit their dreams."
"Sometimes we outgrow the dreams we had when we were younger, happy when they turn out to be too small, sad when they prove to be too big."
"A private investigator who knew that you were having an affair before I did."
"It’s a question nobody ever wants to ask, or answer, but how well do you really know your wife?"
"The car they caught her in was the car that killed your mother."
"Your paths had crossed almost thirty years earlier, but you couldn’t recognise her face."
"Marriage is hard work sometimes. It can also be heartbreaking, and sad, but any relationship worth having is worth fighting for."
"Sometimes when you set something free it comes back."
"It made me wonder how many firsts a person can have before life only offers them seconds."
"Sometimes a lie is the kindest truth you can tell a person, including yourself."
"Fear and imagination can lead the brightest of people down dark paths."