
Private Paris Quotes

Private Paris by James Patterson

Private Paris Quotes
"I am declaring war here. The Sword marks the first battleground."
"Despite the swooping, stylized letters, there was no doubt what the tag said: AB-16."
"His remarkable brain saw angles, vectors, and converging speeds as if they were opaque readouts on a jet fighter pilot’s visor."
"The tagger’s rubber soles found the bumper. His body and legs coiled into it, and then sprang off."
"The secret to understanding Parisians, Jack, is to see that they are almost the exact opposite of people in Los Angeles."
"Having fun, laughing, and generally enjoying life in Paris is a clear indication of latent insanity."
"My only granddaughter, Kimberly. Kimberly Kopchinski."
"How can I make you burn? How do I make you come alive like a creature from hell’s fire?"
"Everyone needs the plumber at some time, in some emergency. Non?"
"We’re not waiting to find out," I said, twisting around in the seat to look out the rear window.
"Psychological warriors should adopt the techniques of modern marketing, especially the art of branding."
"She’s running," Louis said behind me. "Impossible," I said, rushing out.
"You could not be safer. We’ll take you to the most discreet hotel in Paris."
"Tell my grandfather I’m sorry to have bothered him in troubles of my own making. I’m sorry to everyone."
"I’m going as fast as a Mia goes!" Louis shouted. "Sixty-eight top speed."
"Over the centuries, Saint Peter’s upside-down cross also became an anti-Christian symbol, one that suggested the religion’s ultimate demise, especially among Islamists and during the Crusades."
"No, no," he snorted. "No evidence of that, thank God."
"You have absolutely no say in any of this, Monsieur Morgan."
"But so help me God, Louis, if you or your boss breathe one word of what you’ve seen in here, or if you pursue anything having to do with what you’ve seen in here, Monsieur Morgan will be deported immediately, and you, Louis, will be held incommunicado for as long as I see fit."
"The scar and his story are one and the same," Louis replied sadly.
"It was something he just came up with one day. He liked that it made him sound tough."
"Believe what you want to believe. Just show us the soup."
"I am smarter, Louis. I am smarter than they are."
"I have been authorized to bring in as many detectives as is necessary to solve these murders."
"Everyone in France is disgruntled to some extent these days."
"We are innocent. We have nothing to do with AB-16 or these killings."
"I thought you said she was an intellectual author."
"The news of this murder will strike deep. Mark my words."
"It's supposed to be closed now, which makes the fact that they're keeping Farad and the others in here an absolute outrage."
"They think I’m part of the AB-16 conspiracy because I attend the imam’s mosque."
"Keep the faith, Private Paris is behind you one hundred percent."
"I expected Louis to jump in, but then I glanced back and saw him talking fast and low to Farad, and I knew I had to stall."
"You’re part of his defense team. We have the right to—"
"When we searched the mosque we found crucifixes taken from Henri Richard, René Pincus, and Lourdes Latrelle."
"You can call my former partner, Christoph Le Clerc, if you don’t believe me."
"I’m going to make sure you’re deported in the morning."
"The major wants us to take our seats for landing."
"Can people change for good? Someone like me?"
"I’ll give you a hundred euros for your Sox hat and sweatshirt."
"Wrong suggestion, Phillipe. Tell your boys to come in here, or we will do the world a favor and kill you."
"This is not so," Michele said with a dismissive flick of her fork. "So what then? You went back to the factory?"
"You have committed murder and acts of terrorism against France and her people, so the normal rules and rights don’t apply."
"Was it your hatred of France that made you angry?"
"Islam is submission. Submission to God’s will. Once I submitted, I was able to see the rightness of Islam. It’s what I fight for."
"A phone keeps you mobile, not tied down to a desk, and yet able to access information when you need it. A very good thing."
"LEAVING LA SANTÉ, I was aware of the prison’s cold hard walls and the fates of the people inside."
"You’re in custody, not business. End that call. Now."
"THE CHAOS OF BATTLE! Major Sauvage thought with growing pleasure and excitement. La pagaille! It’s coming, so close I can smell it."
"No, General. If anything, the captain and I are France’s greatest patriots."
"Morgan, by rights you should be in a brig along with him. You did exactly what I explicitly ordered you not to do."
"There was a deep silence after the six-second machine gun burst, and then from both buildings he heard screams and wails of fear, grief, and agony."
"It was where he belonged. I’m coming home, he thought ecstatically. Coming home right—"
"The major’s brain replayed savored bits of past trips into the chaos of battle, and he felt his body warm."