
Silver Tears Quotes

Silver Tears by Camilla Läckberg

Silver Tears Quotes
"But tonight, she could be who she wanted to be."
"The beautiful old house she had bought wasn’t actually in the village—it was some twenty minutes’ walk beyond it."
"The house in Ravi had become her paradise on earth."
"Life without Jack was everything Faye wanted for her."
"The trick was to resist the impulse to close your eyes."
"The loss of her best friend, Chris, to cancer had brought home to her all too clearly that nothing and no one could be taken for granted."
"Faye contemplated her own neat white desk with satisfaction."
"She had disentangled herself from her own story. Reshaped herself."
"The family photos Mom put there, the dream of a life that didn’t exist."
"I don’t understand how I could have been so naïve."
"When I die I want to go completely hammered."
"I want to see how far I can get, what I can build. My biggest fear is dying without achieving my full potential."
"I mean, you have no idea what you’re missing."
"What’s the point of having a fuck-load of money if I can never tell people to fuck off?"
"I’m determined never to let anyone catch me unawares again."
"Focus on your things and I’ll keep ferreting away."
"If she had been the sort to give up, she would have pulled the duvet over her head now and slept for a couple of days. But she wasn’t. She never had been."
"Someone had called from Revenge’s office on Stureplan with the news that several people who wanted to invest in the venture had been in touch following Faye’s appearance on Skavlan."
"Yvonne Ingvarsson didn’t know who she was crossing swords with, and Faye intended to move heaven and earth to find out who was attacking her company."
"Don’t worry about it," she said with a smile, and David’s blue eyes lit up."
"Chris… she was a force of nature. Nothing was hard for her."
"Finding love before the end. Isn’t that what we’re all looking for?"
"Love. Is that something you do after fifteen years, the daily grind, and kids? Does anyone?"
"People get together for a thousand different reasons. Few are privileged to truly experience love. Real love."
"I loved Jack. More than I thought I would ever love anyone. But that wasn’t enough."
"When the orgasm had finally stopped washing through her, her whole body relaxed, but Faye didn’t want to rest. She wanted him inside her."
"The sight of Julienne had given her energy and awoken her thirst for battle."
"And it was from here that she had orchestrated Jack’s fall."
"A company, just like a relationship, should be based on loyalty."
"The panic of the first few days had begun to dissipate."
"She realized she was starving and didn’t want to eat alone."
"But Alice had left out the most important bit."
"The world is run by men who benefit from us wandering around in it seeing our worth only in relation to them."
"I have to confess I’ve been feeling hurt, upset, and confused."
"The fact that he had been kinder of late didn’t mean he was kind."
"The more I drank, the better the warm beer tasted."
"The sun was shining, making the rooftops of Södermalm shimmer beautifully."
"I've got to take orders from the people who are waiting, but take a seat and I'll come over when I get a gap."
"Every time she saw his name on the display her heart leaped for joy."
"How could he have known? How could he know her so well after such a short period of time?"
"In the dream, she still missed him, and that was the worst thing of all."
"She realized she had forgiven Ylva. It was time to turn over a new leaf."
"This isn't up for discussion—it's strictly a business decision on my part."
"I'm so incredibly in love with you—do you know that?"
"Instead, I want to tell you about my weaknesses, the things I'm ashamed of, to get them out into the open."
"We women are raised to be so afraid that someone is going to steal our man—our partner—so we limit ourselves."
"I'm never going to be dependent on a man again."
"Some moments in life, you forget you’re a person, and that in itself is the very essence of humanity."
"No regrets. We’re three adults with our own free will, and I love you and Alice. Well, in slightly different ways… But still. It was great. It was love. It was respect."
"Everyone thinks I’m an animal. A child killer."
"All I wanted was to live with you and Julienne, but you tricked me, Jack."
"How could it all be so beautiful when she was in the midst of a nightmare?"
"She needed external stimuli—to see people, to hear them."
"I just want to know what you like, what’s best for you. You can do whatever you want to me."
"By the slimmest of margins, I managed to do it all."
"I need to be more drunk. I know what we’re going to do is wrong, but I can’t help liking it."
"There must be something you like more than other things?"
"If you’d said you liked being with me, I would never have let them touch you."
"I’ve learned my lesson. I’m never going to hand over power to anyone else again. Never going to be vulnerable."
"It symbolized strength like nothing else she had ever seen."