
The Last Patriot Quotes

The Last Patriot by Brad Thor

The Last Patriot Quotes
"The United States Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States, rather than engaging them head-on in war."
"Jefferson had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, he decided that it was finally time to meet force with force."
"Jefferson let the pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand."
"Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed Jefferson quite deeply."
"Fundamentalist Islam, though, picks pockets and breaks legs and that’s why Jefferson had to find a way to stop it."
"The Islamists believe that man-made laws are inferior and must be replaced with God-given Islamic or sharia law and that all governments worldwide should be Islamic."
"Everyone wants us, the moderate Muslims, to reform Islam, but no one does anything to help."
"The majority of Muslims in America and around the world are moderate and peaceful."
"Islam brings comfort and provides a noble path for over a billion people on this planet. It is the source of incredible goodness."
"They don’t seem to understand that the moderates who are brave enough to stand up are constantly drowned out by the Islamists who are more media savvy, better organized, and considerably better financed."
"They are the worst thing to have ever happened to American Muslims."
"Islam wasn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant."
"The Koran, not the Constitution, should be the highest authority in America."
"If nothing else, at least I can say I was professional."
"I want to know where every single Transept operative is right now—active, retired, even dead."
"Ninety-nine point nine percent of the Muslims in this country are good people."
"He felt the book was vital to his understanding of the Muslim enemy the U.S. was facing in the Mediterranean."
"The Koran is the complete and immutable word of God."
"If Mohammed did in fact have a final revelation beyond Sura 9... its impact would be incredible."
"Muslims made up a majority in sixty-three countries around the globe. And of the thirty major conflicts under way in the world, twenty-eight involved Muslim governments or communities."
"If Thomas Jefferson had been successful in discovering lost Koranic texts and if those texts could uncouple Islam from its militant, supremacist tendencies, then the entire world needed those texts now more than ever."
"It means, Peace be upon you. And it is not French; it is Arabic."
"The mosque director pointed at Harvath’s rolling suitcase. "Do you plan on staying with us long?""
""The price reflects the book’s condition, I understand. I can tell you that neither Professor Nichols, nor the university, is going to be happy with what I have seen here tonight.""
""Thank you for seeing me, sir," said Leonard. "I know how busy you are today.""
"Whoever would allow an operative like Scot Harvath to hang up his jersey has got to be a complete fool, right?"
"Harvath had always had a good relationship with Gary Lawlor. The former FBI deputy director had been a close friend of the Harvath family for almost as long as Scot could remember."
""You can dislike me all you want, but I know you dislike the enemy more. I also know that no matter how hard it has ever been, you’ve never said no when your country needed your help.""
""Popularity is a real pain in the ass," replied Harvath."
"You overestimate the people of this nation. They are soft and stupid."
"The Islamic tradition is pretty well known for the penalty it imposes on those who blaspheme Islam or apostasize themselves from the faith."
"If anything happened, he wanted to make sure that he was prepared."
"Though he still harbored resentment over how he had been treated, he wondered if Tracy had been right."
"Everyone on Butchers Hill knew how tough it was to find parking, they also knew how merciless the police were in ticketing and towing."
"The only reason you didn’t carry ID was if you were working undercover and nobody but CIA would be working undercover with gear like this."
"What’s interesting, though, is that I’ve never heard about the covert operation at Derna."
"The thought of the Pantheon brought back a flood of memories for Harvath."
"Their job was to get in and get out before Hamet and his men arrived."
"Though his position involved defense affairs, the only affairs he seemed concerned with were those of Muslims—American or otherwise."
"Nothing’s wrong, the French were just getting a little overzealous in wanting to question her."
"The French authorities were getting a bit too pushy, so the doctors tried to bar them from her room."
"Tracy loved listening to Pachelbel’s Canon in D when she cooked."
"When that happened, the French threatened to move her out of the American Hospital to another that would be more cooperative."
"After studying the drawing of the gears for a few more seconds he called Ozbek over."
"What happened to the device you took from us at Poplar Forest?"
"Dead men tell no tales, and this American ex–CIA operative had been whacked by Americans before being turned over to the French."
"It was their world too, after all, and she wanted to shake them. She wanted to wake them up."
"First they would interrogate her and then they would kill her."
"The organization was just too big, too omnipresent to escape."
"Knowing how they worked was the only thing that gave her an advantage."
"The plan was to fill the figurative theater with so much smoke that no one would know where the fire was until it was too late."
"It wasn’t a matter of simply being careful or of properly covering her tracks either."
"ATS was one of the most successful American tech companies most people had never heard of."
"Whether via software, hardware, personnel, or training, there wasn’t a move the United States government made in relation to the Internet that didn’t somehow involve ATS."
"She needed to work fast. When the team moved in, there’d be nothing anyone could, or would, do to stop them."
"The sick joke that had sprung up around his cold demeanor was that he was possessed of unusual powers; instead of seeing dead people, he created them."