
The Martian Quotes

The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian Quotes
"I'm pretty much fucked. That's my considered opinion. Fucked."
"I wonder if this log will be recovered before the rest of the crew die of old age."
"In your position I would have done the same thing. I don’t blame you, and I’m glad you survived."
"I don’t want to just die out on the surface."
"If I get to that point, I’ll take an easier way out."
"My asshole is doing as much to keep me alive as my brain."
"We’re using this shamelessly every way we can."
"The public is engaged, and we will do our best to keep everyone informed."
"I can’t promise we’ll succeed in rescuing him, but I can promise this: The entire focus of NASA will be to bring Mark Watney home."
"Astronauts are inherently insane. And really noble."
"How come Aquaman can control whales? They’re mammals! Makes no sense."
"I’m the first person to be alone on an entire planet."
"I might die, but damn it, someone will know what I had to say."
"Bawled like a little kid for several minutes. I finally settled down to mild sniffling and then felt a deep calm."
"Even if I knew, it’d be too risky to hook them directly to power. I could easily fry the whole system."
"I’m going to be talking to someone again. I spent three months as the loneliest man in history and it’s finally over."
"I finally settled down to mild sniffling and then felt a deep calm."
"I don’t even know what to say. This was an insane plan and somehow it worked!"
"This is obviously a clog. How about I take it apart and check the internal tubing?"
"I don’t want to come off as arrogant here, but I’m the best botanist on the planet."
"My odds of living through this are way higher now."
"If by 'detachment' you mean 'shot me out like a cannon' then yeah."
"Yay, I get to stare at a wall for several hours!"
"I can’t just take a little to fix the airlock."
"I’ll be done. No more getting my hopes up, no more self-delusion, and no more problem-solving."
"All systems were designed for worst-case scenarios; each did its job admirably."
"The brutal forces had disappeared. The protein sludge floated free in the container."
"Though Iris was held in place by five large bolts, the force was directed entirely to a single one."
"Had the pad crew been given time to do normal inspections, they would have noticed the minor defect in one of the bolts."
"The off-center load presented unequal force to the four remaining bolts, the defective one bearing the brunt of it."
"Iris slipped from its supports in the aeroshell, slamming into the hull."
"Life is amazingly tenacious. They don’t want to die any more than I do."
"I’m either getting rescued on Sol 549 or I’m dying. That means I have thirty-five sols of extra food."
"I have all I need to survive. And Hermes is still on the way."
"I won’t die. I really won’t. Even if everything goes wrong."
"I’m finally done with the rover modifications!"
"I'm not talking about faith in God, I'm talking about faith in Mark Watney."
"It's a desert world with practically no atmosphere to convey sound. I could hear my own heartbeat."
"I got bounced around a lot, but I’m a well-honed machine in times of crisis."
"The pressure vessel is intact, so that’s a plus."
"I’m more worried about the solar cells I probably rolled over."
"I’m not going to let something like this stop me from getting there."
"I trashed three solar cells. They’re under the rover and cracked all to hell."
"I’m not sure which god smiled down on me and kept that balloon from popping, but I’m grateful."
"Also, I should spell out a message for NASA. They’re probably worried."
"He left a detailed status report. I just decided to lie for no reason."
"I’m space paparazzi now. The attitude comes with the job."
"Every system and subsystem was working correctly. JPL did a damn good job making these rovers."
"Mars is not Earth. It doesn’t have a thick atmosphere to bend light."
"Nothin’ tea is easy to make. First, get some hot water, then add nothin’."
"If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a search."