
First Down Quotes

First Down by Grace Reilly

First Down Quotes
"I may be twenty-one and grew up on my phone like everyone else, but technology has never been my strong suit."
"Nothing about 'Baby One More Time' screams number one nationally ranked college quarterback."
"I'd rather strangle myself with my jock strap than ask either of them to help me with it."
"I'm used to taking in the other team’s defensive line, looking for subtle shifts in their play calling."
"Our athletic careers will only last so long."
"Even if I have a successful NFL career—which I fully intend—most of my life will take place after I retire."
"As Dad constantly reminds us, our athletic careers will only last so long."
"You can't help if she doesn’t want to be with your ugly ass anymore."
"You’re right. I’m sorry, it was stupid. I’ll see you around."
"I can manage walking away with dignity, even though I just laid myself bare."
"If we were really dating, we’d use pet names, right?"
"Going on a few dates together so everyone thinks we’re dating is not the same thing as actually dating."
"It’s for the best, anyway. If we’re too vulnerable with each other, it’ll just be that much harder to say goodbye."
"I don’t know where to begin," he admits, and the crowd indulges him with kind laughter.
"I'm not pretending," I murmur back, rubbing my cheek against hers. "What did you do?"
"It’s complicated. Her mother is still attached to the diner."
"Just make sure you’re thinking this through."
"I don’t care," She fists her hands in her hair, taking in a ragged breath. "You’re supposed to be my mother."
"You might think he cares about you, but he’s just as selfish as you think I am," he says.
"It doesn’t matter what city James ends up in. He could be in San Francisco or Philadelphia or anywhere else, and the outcome will be the same."
"You’re starting to get how our family works."
"Every time he calls me 'princess,' my heart does a silly little somersault."
"Please, no. I'll do anything, Iz. Anything to avoid sitting through that pain."
"The only fair thing is to dump them all in the middle. Everyone makes a grab for it."
"Because he won’t choose the team he ends up on."
"Let’s go to sleep. Otherwise, Santa won’t come."
"You know I don’t mind. Unless you make me tag along. Then we’d have a problem."
"She fits right in with my family, just like I thought she would."
"You never wanted to meet my family. Go to my parents’ house."
"I know I fucked up when I cheated. But I’m not letting you go."
"Stop calling me. You don’t even want to hear what I have to say?"
"Rachel McAdam’s incapable of making a bad movie."
"You can’t act like this, no matter how you feel."
"That depends. What do you think I should be saying?"
"He wouldn’t have done it if he thought you weren’t."
"I clasp my hand over my mouth as I scream, doing a little happy dance."
"If we were on good terms, he’d insist on going out to celebrate."
"He’s the one who bought me the new camera, after all, and without it, I wouldn’t have been able to get those photographs in the first place."
"It’s the least I can do. I know it’s not much, to make up for what happened, but…"
"He looks around the room, and when he spots me, his whole face transforms, his smile a mixture of relief and happiness."
"I hadn’t imagined having this conversation out in the cold."
"You’re my princess, you’re worth the whole world."
"Maybe neither of us are special, but that’s not the point."
"You’re worth everything, and you can do whatever you want to do, but don’t sell yourself short, either."
"I see a million possibilities. A future we can share."
"For the first time since I was a little kid, the whole world is open to me; I don’t have promises to worry about breaking. I’m free."
"Whatever you need to do, we can handle it. Together."
"I want to be there for you, and I want you to have the chance to do whatever makes you happy. Truly happy."