
Signs: The Secret Language Of The Universe Quotes

Signs: The Secret Language Of The Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson

Signs: The Secret Language Of The Universe Quotes
"We are all leaves on different branches of the same tree. We are never alone. Each of our lives matters greatly."
"You don’t need a psychic medium to connect with the Other Side."
"The universe brings the people, information, and events we most need into our paths."
"Our job is simply to remain open to receiving these messages of love and guidance."
"The universe is constantly loving and supporting and guiding us, even on our darkest days."
"Earth is a school where we are all learning a collective lesson in love."
"When we trust in the reality of signs, we begin to learn this lesson more rapidly and in the most beautiful and fulfilling way."
"The signs are there. The affirmations are there. The love is there."
"We are spiritual beings here to learn about connectivity and kindness."
"It was just such a beautiful moment of connection with my father."
"Alexander’s projection of his need for his father’s support, and his dad’s instant response—playing that exact song at that exact time—is precisely how the secret language of the universe works."
"They are resourceful and relentless, and they will use everything and everyone, and try anything, to get our attention."
"Mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing—a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind."
"The love we hold in our hearts on this earth does not disappear into nothingness when we cross—it travels with us and becomes a part of the massive, universal life force that is the collection of all of our love and light."
"We can forgive old hurts and heal old wounds."
"It is never too late to heal and grow the relationships you have with your loved ones who have crossed."
"The truth is, after he crossed, it would have been easy to get stuck in my own sadness and miss these signs. But my father was so persistent, and so good at sending them, that I didn’t miss them after all."
"When we begin to look at intuitive pulls as evidence of our connection to a higher source of power, and we begin to honor them in a way that leads us to better decisions, we find our higher paths and attain more fulfilling happiness."
"They are too important, too powerful, too consequential to simply shrug off or ignore."
"We have to be open to receiving those messages in order for them to come through."
"He wasn’t much of a believer in those kinds of things, he told me."
"But while I was sitting in his chair, I sensed someone pushing through for him."
"Our lives are all interconnected, and the things we do to and for one another have far-reaching consequences."
"I’m talking about real quiet. Meditative quiet."
"I wanted to feel like I was making a difference in the world."
"It was Sally wanting me to have a more joyous life."
"I had to make a leap into the unknown and basically jump off a cliff."
"We all have the ability to rebuild our entire lives. Our lives can be something so much bigger and more beautiful than we ever even realize."
"The universe will back us up and root for us to succeed."
"He was healthy and he really took care of himself. It was extremely confusing and unfair and painful."
"I was in a horrible place. It was a really shaky time."
"Having this baby can be a beautiful path for you, but it's not the only path."
"We cross into each other's path for a reason—to teach each other useful lessons and help each other grow."
"The ability to see the unseen that is all around us."
"We need to realize that even if we choose a path that doesn’t include them, that doesn’t mean we no longer love them."
"Sometimes, the sign is the whisper in our heart, the deep and undeniable pull, the inherent knowing that the answer is already there."
"We aren’t just trying to find out what is wrong with Ashley. We are trying to save her life."
"The medication she took had its own hellish side effects... but all of her psychiatric symptoms disappeared."
"Another dear friend led us to a second brilliant doctor... who had cured my friend’s son of Lyme and restored him to health."
"The antibiotics seemed to get her anxiety under control, but the exhaustion and brain fog... were a constant battle."
"What I had written down was exactly what the tests had revealed."
"Her cells literally couldn’t shut their doors against the infections."
"As of this writing, we are not out of the woods just yet."
"When we fully trust in a higher power, something truly profound and life altering happens."
"Everything that we can see or imagine... is made of energy."
"The way we carry and share our energy may be invisible to the naked eye, but it is as real as a handshake."
"Art opens us up to new ideas, new possibilities, new energies."
"To deprive ourselves of this connection is shortsighted and costly."
"The two highest and purest vibrations we can achieve as human beings are love and gratitude."
"Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience."
"Our thoughts matter greatly to our quality of life."
"We are always in a state of co-creating with the universe!"
"The universe just kept pulling me in the right direction."
"Traveling infuses us with new energy and enhances our sense of being connected to the wider world."
"Negative ions... suffuse us with this energy."
"Smudging is a great way to clear away negative energy and shift our own energy into the positive."
"We are all light beings stuffed into physical bodies."
"Eating is actually the most intimate thing we all do here on this earth."
"Sleep is when we sync up with the Other Side."
"Meditation is about achieving and appreciating a moment of true mindfulness."