
Keep It In The Family Quotes

Keep It In The Family by John Marrs

Keep It In The Family Quotes
"I can’t stop myself from wanting to be out here, close to the action."
"No one under this roof believes in compassion. Empathy is an alien emotion here."
"They get away with what they do by hiding in plain sight and by being ordinary."
"To them, he is not human. He is an everyday, ten-a-penny object."
"Our criteria were straightforward: the place could be no more than a fifteen-minute drive from the town center and train station."
"I’m the opposite. I look at something and it falls apart."
"He responds with a slow nod as he tries to comprehend what we have done."
"I can’t say hand on heart that this is going to work out for us."
"My gut has told me we are making a massive mistake."
"She accused me of being cold and unfeeling but I’m not. I’m just better at compartmentalising than her."
"God, if He or She or it exists, must have been listening."
"I can hear as clear as day the click of the suitcase latches opening."
"I obsess about those children more than I do about my own son."
"I’m not a violent man but when they catch him, I will happily rip him apart with my own bare hands."
"I need to find a way of embracing my baby and discovering the truth without neglecting either."
"I’m starting to develop these urges, you see."
"The difference between me and my parents is that I can keep my urges under control."
"The gold rings she wore on three fingers gave her slaps extra clout."
"Our lives were cloaked in such secrecy that there was no one to tell us what our parents were doing was wrong."
"‘What happens in our house stays in our house,’ Dad said."
"I remember how shocked they were when I turned up on their doorstep, introducing myself as their grandchild."
"The one and only time a group of boys tried to give me a hard time, I punched the ringleader so hard in the face that his black eye remained for a fortnight."
"I have even made a best friend, something I’d only ever had in George until I betrayed him."
"We are already so close that I would kill for him if he asked me to."
"My satisfaction at dropping George in it was so brief it couldn’t even be accurately described as short-lived."
"I had turned on the only person in the world who cared for me."
"‘You were both warned what would happen if you were disloyal to this family,’ said Mum."
"I can’t even self-medicate because I’m still out of pills."
"I still feel no guilt at throwing him under a bus driven by tabloid journalists."
"The more she describes her life, the more I want to know about it."
"I am starting to develop these urges, you see."
"I’m sorry to say it, but you bring nothing but unhappiness here."
"It’s not something I can explain, or that you’ll understand."
"Parents don’t always deserve their children."
"If someone had noticed I shouldn’t have been left with mine, my whole life could have been very different."
"We’ve all been let down by those who should have cared."
"One person’s death can mean another person’s rebirth."
"You can’t see the driveway since the new gates were fitted."
"What I wouldn’t give for a speeding lorry to plough into her right now."
"I’m trying to cut down his morning nap before he starts nursery."
"My life is going to end in this warehouse; my final resting place will be in a suitcase on a shelf."
"I can’t take it away. And he doesn’t know the worst of what I have done to him yet."
"I couldn’t save my own baby, but I could save somebody else’s from this cruel, spiteful world."
"I gave him a better life than she ever could have given him."
"We immediately fell in love with each and every tiny bone in his body until he was snatched away from us three days later."
"I am your mum. I love you every bit as much as if I’d given birth to you."
"You didn’t give birth to me, did you? Somebody else did."
"This is what I deserve. But it’s what they deserve too."