
Phantom Quotes

Phantom by Greer Rivers

Phantom Quotes
"Each musical note is loud and percussive as they dance out of the open doors of the Bourbon Street bars."
"Even the laughter around me sounds sluggish, battling with the upbeat jazz radio that started buzzing in my head a week ago."
"All the words and beats and melodies jumble together, blending into a harsh cacophony."
"The chaos in and around my mind raises the hairs on the back of my neck and makes me shiver."
"Confusion tries to filter through the fog in my mind, but I physically wave it away."
"I figured it out just a week ago and it's been magical, taking me out of my mopeyness in no time."
"The spotlight is dim compared to your radiance."
"If I don’t take my meds, symptoms can flare back up."
"The fact that he calls himself a demon in his notes should obviously scare me."
"What if something happens and you can’t perform? There are no understudies in solo acts."
"People worship the heroes protecting them until they realize the cost of their safety."
"The world quiets around us. Her eyes widen before darting down to the rose."
"Objectively, both have major stalker vibes, but I’ve never felt creeped out by the roses, notes, and sheet music from my demon."
"My brain has played tricks on me for longer than I’ve been medicated, and even though I haven’t had an episode in months, enough insecurity can make even the strongest mind question reality."
"I’ve been on a journey to control my inner demons for the past year, ever since I was hospitalized for my manic episode."
"Some were worse than others, sending me straight to sleep, making me gain weight, or turning me into a raging bitch."
"Normally, I wouldn’t go back to the old meds, especially not the ones that make me feel worse."
"But it could be the beginning of the end of my sanity."
"Maybe I’ll find empathy tomorrow, but I can still feel where his hands groped me so brazenly last week."
"The drug knocks me out and gives me bizarre dreams, but next-day grogginess is better than winding up in a psych ward."
"One time, months ago, I curled up on the floor of my dorm room, not caring or lucid enough to drag my ass to bed."
"For months, I’ve been hearing music coming from a vent in my room."
"Needless to say, I called my doctor for refills and then I promptly freaked the fuck out."
"I watch people, Scarlett. It’s what I do. I deal in secrets and protection."
"You work hard at what you love. That combination will make the difficult things worth it when you achieve your dream."
"Never get too close, pretty muse. I can’t lose you."
"I’m the Phantom of the French Quarter. It was brought to my attention that you were sick."
"I had to bring you here, to my home beneath the opera house."
"I’m sorry, little muse. But the good thing is you were diagnosed and you’ve been working hard on your treatment."
"The Phantom of the French Quarter knows everything there is to know about Treme."
"I’m sorry I ever did anything to make you think I wasn’t. That was never my intention."
"You would be amazing at it. Your vocals are a dream for opera, but with your voice and your knack for writing lyrics… Scarlett Day, you were made for your own spotlight."
"It's easier to be nowhere when everyone thinks you're everywhere."
"I plan to know every inch of your body, Scarlett."
"Life is one big masquerade, so let the good times roll."
"I’ve never lied to you, and contrary to what your spoiled ass believes, you haven’t earned the right to learn all my secrets."
"Trust the man who is about to torture pleasure from you. Do you trust me?"
"I’ve been his loyal guard dog for over a year, making sure you’re—"
"Do you crave those primitive instincts, Scarlett?"
"It’s up to you to decide which story is ours."
"The kind of love that consumes you in life and leaves you a shell when the other goes too soon."
"Is madness so terrible, when euphoria is on the other side?"
"You’re my pretty little muse, Scarlett. I worship your voice. Your body, mind, and soul are no different."
"I thought my actions would speak louder than his accusations, but I guess I’m nothing more than some evil creature to her now."
"Our time together was like a match held between two fingers, effortless to light, glorious in the darkness, and painful when it was snuffed out in my grasp."
"If you make this promise, I’ll never let you go again, little muse."
"You’ll never lose me. I’m the shadow that will protect you always."
"As far as the world knows, Rand Chatelain ran off to the Alps to pout after not securing a business deal in New Orleans."
"They’re set for life. They’ll never want for anything after his sacrifice."
"Scarlett said he bragged about dealings in New York?"
"I owe you an apology. I’m protective of my brother, as you can understand."
"And you’re my Sol. I could never be afraid of the darkness that loves my own."
"The view from box five is completely different from the theater stage."
"You’re mine, ma jolie petite muse. My mark etched into your skin promises me forever."
"Strangle my cock, belle muse. Tell the world you’re mine."
"I don’t know why you have to go to this ridiculous show in the first place."
"Once there’s a Baron Keeper of the Garde, the disgraced O’Sheas will be forgotten."
"I don’t care how it’s done," my father rumbles.
"It’s just so short, and the top is quite low cut."
"Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?"