
Thanks For The Memories Quotes

Thanks For The Memories by Cecelia Ahern

Thanks For The Memories Quotes
"Flashes of red and amber, yellow and white, speckle my darkness."
"Rushing, rushing, rushing. We are always rushing."
"There's a noise in the room, and I feel a presence."
"He's stopped me from falling, but I haven't landed yet."
"There is no such thing as a stupid question."
"Engineering, the practical application of science to commerce or industry."
"Architecture is the transformation of ideas into a physical reality."
"I'm planning an exhibition on Dutch painting in the seventeenth century."
"Someone's life could be depending on you right now."
"Your body will replace the liquid part of the donation within twenty-four hours."
"We’re the only Irish people in this hospital."
"That's what people do when they go to the barbers now?"
"I was just talking to these nice neighbors of ours."
"Everything she wears looks like it comes out of the closet of Grease's Sandy, post-makeover."
"Déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of eeriness or strangeness."
"Déjà vu has been described as remembering the future."
"Believe it or not, honey, I prefer your past-life thing."
"Thirty-nine years old, and I’m being treated like a kid."
"We have to deal with us now, or before we know it, ten years will have gone by."
"Sometimes we need all the glue we can get, just to hold ourselves together."
"Marrying a nice man gives you a nice marriage, but never anything more."
"It’s nice to be important, Gracie, but it’s more important to be nice. Particularly when in another country."
"I believe that we’re supposed to have something with us."
"It’s not junk, Gracie. I once saw a show where a man’s collection of walking sticks went for sixty thousand pounds sterling."
"You’re like that Fletcher woman or that Monk man from TV, snooping around. You’ll find no corpses here."
"I eat meat now. And I drink red wine. I hate anchovies, and I listen to classical music."
"The only threat I’d be in a confined space is when I’ve had a good curry from my local."
"I’m seventy-five years old, young man. Why on earth do I have to take my shoes off?"
"The man I’m supposed to have on the brain is Conor, but he’s not. He’s really not at all."
"The Antiques Roadshow is having a valuation day today from nine thirty to four thirty in a place called Banqueting House."
"Well, I must say, that was absolutely marvelous. Marvelous indeed."
"You hate now, but look through this veil and see the possibility of love; you’re sad, but look through to the other side and see happiness."
"Despair can be altered by one simple smile offered by a stranger; confidence can turn to fear by the arrival of one uneasy presence."
"At your weakest, you end up showing more strength; at your lowest you are suddenly lifted higher than you’ve ever been."
"If you haven’t cause to look, then you will probably never find them."
"It’s as though I’ve taken the training wheels off my bicycle for the very first time, and he’s running along beside me, holding on tight, afraid to let me go."
"Everything is on the verge, always brimming the surface, with only a slight shake or a tremble to send things toppling."
"Happiness and sadness are so closely knitted together. Such a thin line, a threadlike divide."
"In the midst of emotions, it trembles, blurring the territory of exact opposites."
"The movement is minute, like the thin string of a spider’s web that quivers under a raindrop."
"The reason for these internal war drums? My mind runs through the zinger Bea dropped only hours ago once again."
"It hops up and down now, trying to get my attention, trying to alert me to a problem."
"Sometimes during his and Jennifer’s toughest arguments, their eyes stinging with tears, their hearts breaking from the pain, their heads pounding from the analysis, Justin would study the painting and envy the satyr."
"I’d watch him, transfixed, afraid to speak, afraid to breathe, afraid to break the spell he’d cast on the contraption he was fixing."
"When is a coincidence just a coincidence, though? And when, if at all, should it be seen as something more?"
"We wheeze and roar and laugh, sit up, lie down, roll around, and try to catch our breaths."
"Absolute composure shifting to a complete mess—it happens so quickly, all in the blink of an eye."
"Coronary heart disease is the number-one killer of American males and females."
"I just thought that I’d spend some time with you before, you know, just in case..."
"Dad was under a huge amount of pressure at work."
"He didn’t just drop dead for no reason. He was stressed out of his mind."
"I know more about him than any other person will ever know, apart from himself."
"Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do—"
"You don’t have to feel you’re in the middle of all this."
"I will not hang up this phone until I have convinced you—"
"It’s not a ball, I just need something... Sexy."
"Yes, you could be a nun," Frankie says sarcastically.
"I prefer the blue," Al disagrees. "The pink is a bit gay."
"What? You’ve never seen a pink pinstripe before? It’s divine."
"Well, sweetie, the very fact that she exists is a surprise."
"Stop reading so much into it," Frankie says. "He asked you out, so go out."