
Broken Bonds Quotes

Broken Bonds by J. Bree

Broken Bonds Quotes
"Life on the run wasn’t easy, or cheap, and I wasn’t expecting to be dragged out of the heat of the South and into the chillier state of Oregon."
"Running away from the people that complete your soul, only a fucking crazy person would do that."
"Guess I have to keep my mouth shut and face whatever consequences my actions have brought about."
"I swear I feel beads of sweat start to form on my forehead despite the chill in the room."
"You can't go running off again, not with your Bonds being who they are."
"I'm going to hunt them down and make a freaking show of my payback."
"You would do well to complete the bond with him sooner rather than later."
"My stomach begins to growl. When had they found me and grabbed me off of the street, two days ago?"
"I'm not at all prepared to see the pure, unadulterated loathing in their eyes when four of my mates walk into the interview room."
"There’s paintings of a lot of old, rich-looking guys on the walls, probably generations of Draven men, and I feel too freaking intimidated to function."
"By the time we both arrive at the dining room, I can definitively say that I couldn’t make my way out of here if you paid me."
"The table is silent, only the soft sounds of our cutlery gently scraping our plates can be heard."
"My mouth drops open. Well, I guess I should be happy my suspicions have been confirmed."
"I'm not sure anything would stop him at this point."
"You'll be here every Friday for the foreseeable future."
"I can see everyone seems to be taking it seriously. Can I leave now?"
"Your curfew isn't an issue during our dinners."
"I'm heading back to the dorms. I'll drop you back, Fallows."
"The longer I’m here on campus, the better I’m getting at blocking out the shit these petty girls have to say to me."
"I'm sorry. I know what it feels like to lose someone like that, I'm really sorry."
"You're the one who ran away and ruined everything."
"A lavender rinse? You want me to turn my hair the same color as the old bitties at the milk bar?"
"Riley is fucking horrible. At least I did something to North that made him a dick, your Bond has no excuse."
"I don’t care about all of the other qualities you have that make you the best possible friend for me."
"I'd run away with you if you decide to leave again."
"My bond enjoys his closeness too much and it’s terrifying to me."
"I’m sure I would be as strong as I am now if I wasn’t already aware of how many people will die if I don’t manage to get away from my Bonds."
"I have done nothing but study and stick to your bullshit rules, I have no freedom, no fucking life."
"I’d rather watch Sage murder everyone in this room than smother this attitude of hers today."
"You're too fucking good at lying, Bond. Only a pro knows how to get past Gryphon like that, even North was convinced."
"What the hell is going on here? What have you done to my son?"
"You always did have a vicious temper, I’ll have you off of the football team for this—"
"You can’t fault Gabe for protecting his Bond... even if he took it too far."
"What’s the Council doing about this? You can’t tell me they’re just sitting around letting people be kidnapped."
"Some of them want to do exactly that. They’re too fucking gutless to form a plan and go after them, spouting some bullshit about higher ground and keeping the peace."
"And what does North think about it? What’s he doing for the community with all of that money and power of his?"
"I’m not leaving you alone here while there’s fucking Resistance snatching people."
"Just go to sleep and in the morning I’ll head over to the dining hall with you before class."
"I heard about the abductions. There’s been seven here overnight as well. I’m going to push for a transfer, I’m not going to sit by and leave you alone to face this shit."
"I roll my eyes and then turn my back on him because he’s once again proving to me that they all think they own me and have a right to take away every last one of my freedoms."
"We’re thrown right back into our classes like nothing happened and it’s so fucking strange."
"I’m not stupid enough to say that to anyone. I just watch as Hanna and Ty go through the motions like I’m soaking in something new."
"I stay in my usual spot at the back of the group but Gabe comes over to stand by me."
"The rules are simple; first one to get their opponents shoulders onto the mat, wins, and under no circumstances are you allowed to use your gift."
"If you keep picking on me, people will talk, old man."
"I have no choice here but to play the obedient Bond."
"I have exactly none of her composure. I twitch and pick at my skin like I can feel a million crawling insects moving through my veins."
"You’re not so fucking intimidating when you’re facing someone with a gift, asshole."
"You literally teach Gifted 101, we all know that you used her bond against her. You knew exactly what you were doing."
"There aren’t a lot of ways it could be worse but neither of us are badly injured or dead."
"You’re a Central, literally every fiber of your being wants the bond and he used that against you."
"I’m higher up the food chain than those little bitches."
"The girl that once… well, let’s just say my hands aren’t as squeaky clean as I’d like them to be."
"If the Dravens are monsters, then what does that make me?"