
Pandora Quotes

Pandora by Susan Stokes-Chapman

Pandora Quotes
"Luck has been with him so far this night. The sky’s inky cradle is starred, the moon full and fat."
"To replicate cannetille was ambitious of her but Dora is, if anything, an optimist."
"She knows exactly where to look. Under careful instruction the object he seeks was safely hidden within the starboard bow."
"The icy water needles his legs and arms. Cocooned in the heavy suit he descends further."
"The beauty of cannetille is that it imitates fine lace."
"She might have only been a child during those golden years but she remembers the kind of clientele that Blake’s entertained."
"The blood pulses loudly in his ears. This is it, he is sure."
"Dora never expected it to match her drawing. She lacks the right tools and materials, the correct training."
"Edward Lawrence watches January play out its cruel and bitter game."
"Her mind is as peaceful as a stormy sea."
"It is an easy job, requiring only a steady hand, an eye for detail."
"Edward presses the pallet into the calfskin."
"Odd, Edward thinks, that in a place he once feared he now feels entirely safe."
"They resent what they deem to be his privilege, the protection he receives from Ashmole coffers."
"To him the bindery is a stopping point only, a place to bide his time."
"What a mighty thing, to be paid to immerse himself in study."
"Edward looks up at this. In the half-light of the doorway Fingle seems to be trying for a kindly smile."
"Cornelius. He had once called himself Edward’s guardian angel with a wry laugh."
"Why did Hezekiah look so panicked when Dora questioned him?"
"In her hand is an unusual gold key about the size of her thumb."
"A man you don’t know tells you to seek out the advice of a girl."
"You’ve always been a dreamer. Heaven forbid I try to stop you."
"Consider the recent Roman excavations at Pompeii, after all."
"I refuse to believe this was a chance encounter."
"Sometimes, Edward, I’m really not sure you do."
"There is a fine line between coincidence and fate."
"If you consort with criminals you may well be implicated yourself."
"How can he be expected to excel at a thing if he cannot be completely focused on it?"
"They can’t date it. Gough’s scientists claim that it predates history entirely."
"Why, when you are one of the leading goldsmiths in town, who might guarantee the sale of anything in this shop by reputation alone?"
"She knows what is at stake here: her happiness, her freedom. Dora swallows. Her life."
"Forgive me if you are already familiar, my lady, but this is what you would call a meandros border."
"You will not move from this spot until I tell you to."
"Let us worry about that when we have to. If we have to."
"You must understand, my lady, that this vase is very old indeed."
"The cost of transporting it alone would be … Well, madam, it will be costly."
"I understand what it is to feel trapped by circumstance."
"The damn girl has taken it. She keeps it from me."
"Remember, Lottie. I didn’t take you on to be idle."
"You men can discuss old bones and broken crockery to your hearts’ content once I’m out of earshot."
"Wishes both to retreat from it and face it in equal measure."
"A lavishly decorated ornament fit for a gathering such as this."
"I’ve been looking all over London for something unusual and have been disappointed at every turn."
"Not in her most fanciful dreams did Dora expect to be the recipient of such a deluge of praise."
"The orchestra, the squawk of parrots in their gilt cages."
"But if it did! All she has ever wanted, finally in her grasp."
"The authorities will have to be taken into account."
"The paintings he has taken! It's said he has already claimed pieces by Raphael, Correggio, Titian, da Vinci."
"The taxes have risen because of it, and the pocketbooks of our people will suffer in turn."
"The fortunes of my people will suffer in turn."
"The very idea of slavery on any level is abhorrent to me."
"Edward believes you have no part in whatever your uncle is involved in."
"Do you honestly expect me to believe that you had no idea your uncle was involved in illegal trading?"
"It is only when Edward begins to gather them together again that he sees something else further down the charred page. A series of letters, written in childlike cursive."
"I’m not cut out for this, he thinks, this is beyond me. Who could have done such a thing?"
"Behind the sheet are three cots. On each, a man."
"The essence of antiquarianism is a focus on the empirical evidence of the past."
"Please, Mr Lawrence, do not make me think less of you."
"She comprehends but does not feel, sees but remains blind to implication."
"You dare talk to me like an equal? You are worthless! Just like your bitch of a mother."
"Her life, you say? Please, sir. Help me. Help her."
"It’s a shame Hamilton managed to dig you out but, alas, he did. And you’ve been an inconvenience ever since."
"If I can’t have their fortune, neither can you. I still have the pithos, after all."