
Murder On The Orient Express Quotes

Murder On The Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Murder On The Orient Express Quotes
"It was five o'clock on a winter's morning in Syria."
"The General’s-his General’s-temper had grown worse and worse."
"You have saved the honour of the French Army - you have averted much bloodshed!"
"The train, with a terrific jerk, moved slowly forward."
"I have the tickets of Monsieur. I will also take the passport, please."
"The Colonel inquired whether she was going straight through to England."
"M. Poirot waved his hand. Lieutenant Dubosc came to the salute."
"I have learnt something-the identity of Mr. Ratchett."
"Ratchett, as you suspected, was merely an alias."
"If I had known, I’d have cut off my right hand before it had a chance to do secretarial work for him!"
"If ever a man deserved what he got, Ratchett—or Cassetti—is the man."
"By a fragment of a letter found in his compartment."
"I went back to my compartment, read a bit, got out on the platform at Belgrade."
"I ordered a couple of drinks and we got right down to it."
"I just can’t get over it. Cassetti-on this train."
"The man was a perfect stranger—I had never seen him before."
"I thought, ‘Well, anyway, he won’t get my jewellery’."
"She’s like a sheep, you know. She gets anxious and bleats."
"There's been a murder on the train, and the murderer was right there in my compartment!"
"I just lay there and thought, ‘Mercy, I’m going to be killed!’"
"I just can’t get over its being that monster Cassetti."
"I was reading a magazine last night before I went to sleep."
"Before I ask myself, ‘Where did this man vanish to?’ I ask myself, ‘Did such a man really exist?’"
"Either he is still hidden on the train in a place of such extraordinary ingenuity that we cannot even think of it; or else he is, as one might say, two persons."
"It is absurd-improbable-it cannot be. So I myself have said. And yet, my friend, there it is! One cannot escape from the facts."
"It is so mad, my friend, that sometimes I am haunted by the sensation that really it must be very simple."
"It’s just too horrible! In my sponge-bag. A great knife-all over blood?"
"Keep her head so. If she revives give her a little cognac."
"I am a lifelong teetotaller. I never touch spirits or wine at any time."
"I know exactly how you feel. The head spins, does it not?"
"But it was not you. You had nothing to do with the kidnapping of the child."
"Tonio, she called me. And she would sit in the car and pretend to hold the wheel."
"Even if in the end everybody on the train proves to have had a motive for killing Ratchett, we have to know."
"Just a few little words of truth, that is all."
"I can swear positively that he never left the carriage all last night."
"Of the twelve passengers in that coach, nine have been proved to have had a connection with the Armstrong case."
"I can almost give you the answer to your question."
"I have known for some time. It is so clear that I wonder you have not seen it also."
"We are therefore forced to the conclusion that the murderer is to be found among the occupants of one particular coach."
"But I will put before you an alternative theory."
"Then, believe me, you’re a pretty slick guesser."
"The only way to have protected Ratchett effectively was to pass the night actually in his compartment."
"The passengers in the Stamboul carriage were in no danger."
"The crime was not committed at a quarter past one."
"The only additional thing to be done was to confuse the issue even further."