
The Lost Hero Quotes

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero Quotes
"Even before he got electrocuted, Jason was having a rotten day."
"If any of you precious little cupcakes causes any trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way."
"This is the Wilderness School. 'Where kids are the animals.'"
"We go to the ‘Wilderness School’—which means we’re ‘bad kids.’"
"I’m not your best friend. I’m his evil clone."
"It’s worse than that. I don’t know who I am."
"Dang, is that gold? You been holding out on me!"
"Free me, Piper McLean, or the earth shall swallow us. It must be by the solstice."
"Our enemies stir. The fiery one is only the first."
"Stupid curse! I just want a magic bug killer! Is that too much to ask?"
"I don’t believe in curses. But something’s wrong."
"Occasionally it shows up, demolishes something, and runs away again."
"It breathes fire. It’s deadly and out of control."
"He used to like it with a little Tabasco sauce, right before bed."
"He had hoped that after Percy’s success, we might have some peace."
"I don’t think we should worship them or sacrifice chickens to them or anything."
"I think I see your point. Too bad, though. If you could resist flames, you could get close to the dragon."
"The gods gather that day, as mortals always have, because there is strength in numbers."
"The fire crackled to life, the arcade machine beeped, and Chiron said, 'You should be dead.'"
"The gods need heroes to do their will down here on earth."
"This might be the last time I can speak to you."
"I have children too, and I understand you will fight them someday."
"Clean hands, dirty equipment," he muttered, something his mother used to say.
"Seriously," Leo said. "Could you not show off?"
"You need a name," Leo decided. "I'm calling you Festus."
"Festus," he said in a small voice. "We've got work to do."
"Happens all the time to demigods," she said. "What did you see?"
"I'm not breaking somebody's heart just for a stupid rite of passage!"
"It is not for me to interfere in Hera's plan."
"I like the winter festival," Zethes muttered.
"If you can capture the winds, you may be able to gain safe entrance to the court of Aeolus."
"Those are two different questions, son of Jupiter."
"If you succeed against her and take the winds, then you may go to Aeolus."
"What happened up there? You made her mad? Is she mad at me too?"
"The winds between here and Chicago are bad-tempered. Many other evil things are stirring."
"You’ve got bigger problems. This trip won’t have a happy ending."
"I think Grandpa Tom was full of bull, too, just like the Greeks."
"One life brought generations of peace between snakes and Cherokee."
"Nature means big things killing and eating little things!"
"I'm always keeping an eye on you, Leo. But talking to you is, um... different."
"What hope do these puny young heroes have against me?"
"You’re not killing anyone, wolf man. Not without going through me."
"I can’t stand it. Your disappearance was the last straw."
"Zeus did not grant me mercy, and you will have none from me."
"You’re not a bridge, or an exchange, or anything else. You just want to know where you’d come from."
"But beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit."
"I can’t ask you to do this. This is too dangerous."
"To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself—avoid trying to be something you’re not."
"I think I can stand a few minutes with you before you get annoying."
"The sun came through the windows along with a pleasant breeze. It might’ve been spring instead of winter. Birds sang. Monsters howled in the woods."
"Jason’s instincts kicked in, and his gut told him he’d dueled opponents almost this big before."
"Piper stood there, breathing hard, her dagger covered with clay. Her dad sat at the ridge, dazed and wounded, but still alive."
"I’ve watched you since you were a child, son of Hephaestus, because I knew you could aid me at this moment."
"Jason charged Enceladus, while Piper rushed to her father, and Leo dashed for the tree harvester."
"The Earthborn yelped in pain and skittered to a halt. He pulled out the screwdriver, turned and glared at Leo."
"The whole side of the mountain would soon be ablaze."
"You’re going to outshine me some day, you know. They’re going to remember me as Piper McLean’s father, and that’s the best legacy I can imagine."
"No way. But the head is going to be reused. Festus will be going with us."
"You’re in a good mood. How can you be so sure things will work out?"
"We’ve got to confront Porphyrion, the giant king. He said he would destroy the gods at their roots."
"Percy Jackson is at the other camp, and he probably doesn’t even remember who he is."