
Rules Of Prey Quotes

Rules Of Prey by John Sandford

Rules Of Prey Quotes
"He was never so alive as in the last moments of a long stalk."
"The maddog watched the street. The Chosen was an artist."
"Never carry a weapon after it has been used."
"In the best of worlds, he would prefer to be sane."
"They put her in a pauper's grave with that name, the wrong name."
"He was attracted only to women. It was the only thing that a man could do, the thing with women."
"He bound and gagged the women and raped them."
"He was a member of the bar. He derived rules."
"If killing were all that mattered, he didn't doubt that he could do it and get away with it."
"He bet his life that they could not catch him."
"Though his eyes were warm, his smile betrayed him."
"It's about the old biological clock. I've decided to have a baby." - Jennifer Carey
"I'm taking a leave of absence from reporting. I'll work half-time, producing." - Jennifer Carey
"You might think that listening on my private line is something that a real hard news broad would do, but your lawyers wouldn't think it's so cute." - Lucas
"I'm going to spend the next nine months trying to convince you to marry me." - Lucas
"I won't apologize, considering the situation." - Lucas
"You don't think it could be twins, do you?" - Lucas
"We're getting some fierce pressure for an interview with you." - Lucas
"We'll be back over here for the press conference at nine." - Lucas
"Never kill anyone you know. Never have a motive. Never follow a discernible pattern."
"If you've got an alibi, especially a good alibi, you better bring it out now."
"Never killing anyone you know... that's one of the principal rules."
"But if you ask him about leaving the notes, he won't know about them, will he?"
"I want everybody off everything else, I want this checked right now."
"If you wait until three-thirty or so, you can probably catch his attorney outside the detention center, signing him out."
"The average age of the hookers out on the street is probably fourteen."
"They'll try to figure out who her parents are, get her back there. Two weeks from now she'll run away again and start hooking or dancing or whatever."
"I got to thinking about the state trespass law and came in over the weekend to look it up."
"Nobody had said anything to the man before the cops arrived. He was never given a chance to leave."
"God damn, Billy, I knew there was a reason I hired you."
"She wore a short leather skirt and a turquoise blouse open to her belt."
"I talked to you the other night… I don't remember you."
"And they tried to say I was impotent."
"Maybe he should take a blonde. But blondes didn't appeal."
"I won't change, he thought. No need to, really."
"The microwave beeped at him and he took the dinner out and carried it to the table."
"Tonight, he thought. I can't wait any longer."
"The overcoat had big pockets. They would take the potato."
"He felt a surge of confidence: the whole thing was meaningless."
"He called the cripple's house a little after six but there was no answer."
"He prepared carefully, the excitement growing but under control."
"Suppose the guy resolves it by leaving? He could start all over somewhere else, and we wouldn't even know it."
"This thing is rushing to a conclusion. I can feel the wheels."
"We're praying for you. Every night. God will answer."
"I never saw a gun and he never mentioned a gun or offered to sell one."
"If you just tell us what we want to know, we'll suggest that Mrs. Rice get a lawyer and work this out in civil court."
"Do you think a jury would believe some washerwoman instead of me?"
"Could be a happy ending, just like in a TV movie."
"He was being watched. Coincidence was one thing. To believe all these sightings were coincidences was to believe in fairy tales."
"That's the coldest goddamn thing I ever heard."