
Nora Goes Off Script Quotes

Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan

Nora Goes Off Script Quotes
"I’ve been paid for my screenplay, and the bonus money for letting them film here will hit my bank account at noon. Good-bye unpaid real estate taxes. Good-bye credit card debt."
"This house is a disaster, sure. But I fell in love with it when I first looked down the long windy path of the driveway."
"I don’t know the science behind all of it, but I know the rhythm of this property like I know my own body. The sun will rise here every single day."
"The first morning we woke up here, I got up at first light because we didn’t have any curtains yet."
"I pour my coffee and go out to the porch to watch the sunrise."
"I knew I’d do anything to live here when I saw the tea house in the back."
"I’m curious to see what smile he’ll invent for The Tea House."
"My superpower is methodically placing a man and woman in the same shiny town, populated by unusually happy people with maddeningly small problems."
"I stand on the porch now, taking it in before the movie crew arrives."
"The house was built by a British doctor named George Faircloth who lived in Manhattan and came upstate to Laurel Ridge in the summer."
"I was better off without Ben, and my kids were too, but seeing the desperation behind Arthur’s eyes killed me."
"The house was bigger without his stuff and his anger."
"I hoped my kids could feel how much stronger I was without Ben dragging me down."
"Leo Vance is just fine without me, yet he still follows me around with rapt attention."
"Leo offers his blanket to wipe my mouth. I use my sleeve."
"I didn’t argue because I didn’t want to have to sell the house."
"I let myself enjoy the sparkly scene, smiling children and the promise of fine wine with a terrifyingly attractive man."
"Weezie texts me: What’s going on out there? He says he’s staying another three weeks???"
"I’ve opened myself up to the possibility that this kiss was a real thing, the beginning of a thing."
"It’s possible that I didn’t really understand what sex was before Leo."
"I wake up and remember. I jump out of bed and analyze my pajama situation."
"I enter the kitchen and see the coffee’s already been brewed. He’s left a mug out for me."
"I’m on Leo’s payroll, and all the people around me are paid to live for my career."
"I’m really glad you’re here. But you’ll get excited about the next role, and you’ll be back at it."
"I swear last Thanksgiving I looked around my table and realized everyone there was on my payroll."
"What was I thinking falling in love with that guy?"
"I’m not sure what it is, and I wouldn’t make yourself crazy trying to figure it out."
"It’s like he just got distracted by something shiny."
"You can’t build a life around a guy thinking you’re pretty. It’s not a thing."
"I’m not exactly a party-all-night kind of a person; don’t let this dress fool you."
"I’m going to watch the movie and come right back home."
"Leo stands up to be introduced. The girls are talking in the most high-pitched voices I’ve ever heard, literally squealing with delight."
"I’m still seated, dirty napkin in hand, and I ponder the fact that I’ve just been broken up with by a person I dated ten months ago."
"If we were as close as I remember us being, he could have just said it. 'I’m not coming back.'"
"I decide that I want to leave on this note. We’ve made a little peace; he probably doesn’t feel guilty anymore."
"I turn to Leo and the girls and say, 'Well, good night. Hope you all get home safely.' And it feels like the second time I’ve won tonight."
"I fall asleep clinging to new pieces of information: Leo isn’t great to talk to; Leo’s great at talking to me."
""You know that your dad leaving had nothing to do with you, right?" I don’t know how it’s possible that it’s taken me two years to say this."
"Love isn’t something you need to earn. Dad left because of Dad, not us."
"I talk about the beauty of coming clean and giving and receiving forgiveness."
"I pour myself a glass of wine. I feel as if I have to run the past ten months through a new lens."
"Leo: Do you have something you want to say? I’ve seen text bubbles appear and disappear for the past 20 minutes."
"My face shows my trepidation. 'Was there another option?'"
"It’s morning, and I’m feeling careful. There’s a potential new reality out there, and I want to let it incubate."
"I decide not to tell my parents. I decide not to tell Penny. I decide that I’ll just tuck it away like a fortune cookie that says, 'Something nice might happen.'"