
Bonded By Thorns Quotes

Bonded By Thorns by Elizabeth Helen

Bonded By Thorns Quotes
"Some people call these guilty pleasure reads, but why should I feel guilt for wanting to escape to somewhere else, even for a little while?"
"Rain during fall in the Pacific Northwest is as typical as a bear shitting in the woods, but that doesn’t stop the locals from complaining."
"I keep myself busy by grabbing a stack of freshly unboxed Home & Garden magazines."
"It makes me feel less guilty for huddling inside, away from everything and everyone else."
"I’ve been in these woods hundreds of times, and I’ve never seen wild roses."
"What the fuck are you doing here? What are you doing here?"
"A rose for my Rose. I promised her, after all."
"I remember the blood that had fallen from my wrist and sunk into the wood of my bedroom floor."
"I thought I’d know my answer. Shouldn’t you know the answer when someone is on their knees before you?"
"You have to get out now. There’s not much time."
"All my life, Papa has been called crazy for going on about magic and wicked faeries."
"It’s amazing both you and your father made it here alive."
"But a woman can fantasize, can’t she? Not much else for us to do here."
"You need to stop smelling like a goat who ran through manure."
"You get used to turning into an animal. I don’t think you ever get used to… what happens to the princes." - Astrid
"You will meet with us. It is not a request." - Prince Ezryn
"I could slap myself. What is wrong with me? Am I that far gone I think I can differentiate between fae growls now?" - Rosalina
"In case you’ve forgotten, you’re still a prisoner serving your father’s sentence." - Keldarion
"Do not repeat the curse to anyone. Only the residents of Castletree know the details." - Farron
"We could leave, I suppose. But where would we go? There’s no home to return to for the cursed." - Astrid
"We’ll figure this out, Farron. I promise." - Rosalina
"Break the curse and you’ll be free of this castle." - Keldarion
"The lack of a mate bond doesn’t stop some rather wild fae from trying to mimic the magic with their own chosen partner." - Farron
"You may bathe in the hot springs with me every day if you wish. Naked, of course." - Dayton
"All fae have the magic of bargains, and some fae use them with their lovers to make a love pact."
"Fae magic is powerful. The stronger the love, the stronger the bargain."
"I’m not like the rest of them who deserved it. Not like the one who betrayed his realm, or the one who abandoned it."
"You don’t deserve this life. You’re so good and kind."
"But even that won’t be as bad as what would happen if Keldarion sees a stranger inside the castle."
"Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Never bargain with him. Never make a deal with the Prince of Thorns."
"The way Farron has hope. The way Dayton and Ezryn cling to their shreds of it."
"If it were a yes, then you’d know. You wouldn’t have to think about it."
"We humans must think with our heads. Like, can we make each other happy long-term? Do we have the same values and goals?"
"Before you say yes to this human, you need to experience someone worshiping your body the way you deserve."
"This is the best night of my entire life, and it’s not just the fae wine talking."
"I’ve never felt like this before, as if I’m a tiny shell tossing in a turbulent surf."
"You’re going to come for me, then I’m going to take you back to my room and fuck you the way no one else has before."
"I can’t believe I’m at a party. Something I never thought I would see again."
"I feel nothing but the ache for a strong drink."
"There are no fairytale endings for monsters."
"You are the Lady of Castletree now. We monsters have to stick together."
"I was a fool for ever thinking I belonged here."
"It’s like I can feel the pulse of magic from within."
"I realized my real biggest fear was happening right before me."
"The more they saw me… the less of me that was left."
"Being a shadow next to someone… Well, wasn’t that better than being by myself?"
"After the ice skating, it was fate, I suppose. I owed Lucas my life and—"
"Saving someone’s life does not grant them ownership of it."
"It’s not hard to fall in love again, because somehow, it happened to me."
"There is nothing in this world I would not give up for you, no sacrifice I would not make."
"Here stands a beast who will let the entire Vale go to rot for the sake of his own selfish heart."
"Every single part of the Briar is evil. Every single part of him is evil."
"I can still feel it, even now. Kel, you can send me away, but I will always find my way back to you."