
Haunting Adeline Quotes

Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

Haunting Adeline Quotes
"Even though they’re homesick, I provide them with the only home they need."
"Sometimes I wish I could just simplify my books, but then I wouldn't have the readership I have."
"As great as my readers are, there’s always that pressure to get the next book out."
"The walls and floor are smooth black rock now, with white ceilings and large white rugs to lighten up the room."
"I'm living in a Victorian gothic dreamhouse."
"Daya, it's hard to find a man these days that can even fuck right."
"You never know, baby girl. Crazier things have happened."
"The bass pumping through the speakers vibrates throughout my body."
"I can’t write when I’m too ridden with anxiety to get the book done by a specific time."
"Those two pieces feel like beacons in the room now, glaring at me as if to say I know who killed her."
"We keep tabs on all the girls we extract to ensure they don’t go missing again."
"He has strawberry blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and a killer smile."
"I’m an indie author, so I publish when I'm ready to."
"You're doing this because I almost fucked a girl?!"
"He looks like a man that I could settle down with but dangerous enough to keep me excited."
"My hunt isn’t over yet. I have to play with my little mouse now."
"He’s touching her. Fucking her with his fingers. Saying dirty things to her that elicits a pretty little blush of color to her cheeks."
"I don’t make idle threats, so consider this a lesson learned."
"I don’t care if you only breathed in her direction the wrong way, you will fucking die."
"If I step on a body part… oh my god—I’m going to freak."
"I’m too stubborn to stop. I want Arch. I just don’t want any voyeurs while I take him."
"I sigh, his soft lips moving against mine rhythmically, like the water at the bottom of the cliff, swaying against the rocks."
"I'll do everything in my power to stop that from happening."
"He’s not small. And that’s really what I need tonight."
"I've committed homicide. Cold-blooded murder. On many men who have worn different faces of the devil."
"A jagged piece of paper sticks out from the spine."
"You think I’m going to find a man that will kill in my honor, too? That's cute."
"I wish I could just simplify my books and call it a day."
"You can’t go into a lion’s den with the confidence of a gazelle. You go in knowing that you’re going to walk back out with their blood on your hands and their heads rolling on the ground."
"It’s the insides of us—the darkness that lurks beneath the surface—that’s what’s truly fucking terrifying."
"I’m sitting in my Mustang, my dick still painfully pressed against my zipper."
"Humans don’t need to decorate themselves in gory make-up and fake blood to be scary."
"This isn’t a climb to heaven. It’s a fall from grace."
"Being consumed by him feels like drowning in water with a live wire in it."
"The insides of us—that’s what keeps me alive."
"Embarrassment clouds my vision, but I don’t let him see it. He’s getting nothing but poison from me."
"He’s not looking down at me smugly like I had expected. His face is arranged into a blank mask as if what just happened didn’t affect him at all. And that—that is so much worse."
"I can’t control how my stomach tightens, and thighs clench in response. I’m drenched and embarrassed."
"You want to know the best part? I was going to tuck you into bed and leave you alone tonight."
"Despite my obsession with my little mouse, I keep my eyes off of her."
"If you’ve never taken me seriously before, then do it now, Adeline."
"You’re going where to do what? And with who? Zade? That’s your stalker’s name?"
"If he is who I think he is… he’s doing some good in the world."
"I hack into government and military databases and expose crimes against humanity."
"If you were my little girl, your sweet little pussy would be so full of me, you would forget what it means to feel empty."
"I wouldn’t want to ruin such a pretty dress anyway."
"You’re ten times larger than me, you expect me to break a chokehold?"
"He’s spilling all kinds of shit, and though I can’t make sense of most of it—Zade clearly can."
"We’re all capable. But sometimes, unseen forces take it out of everyone’s hands, and maybe that just means they were meant to find their happiness in the afterlife instead."
"He’s both Mark’s judge and executioner, and he’s too stupid to see it."
"You’re a silly little girl playing with fire."
"You’re allowed to be angry and frustrated with your situation."
"Whatever. He can look just this once, but at least the dickhead can’t touch me from behind his stupid screen."
"I’m sure they’re taking the necessary steps to make sure the video is handled, alongside whoever leaked it."
"Don’t pretend like fucking Archie would’ve been the end of it."
"Because if she gives me attitude or her usual hatred, I don’t think my response will be what she deserves."
"Sensing my growing anger, she sets the coffee cup down on a little table with a dead plant on it."
"Do you ever wonder about Gigi and her stalker and find it strange? Maybe even far-fetched?"
""It just seems crazy and… I don’t know, impossible, I guess."
"Do you think you’re a reincarnation of Gigi, Addie? And that I’m a reincarnation of Ronaldo?"
""You just like the idea of stalking me for several lifetimes."
""I have to deal with the video. I have men stationed outside the property already."
"That involves hearing about what I do for a living. Which is kill people."
""I’m saving innocent people because I want to. And I’m torturing and murdering the bad because I want to."
"My mother gave it to me a long time ago. She loved roses and had them all over the house."
""I don’t know where they are," she says simply."
""Do you think she’ll like it when I stalk her, too?"
"We have our hearts set on what we'll be having for dinner this Saturday, and it’s really special."
"I don’t remember ever being a needy child."
"I believe one of my guests took advantage of the chaos and stole her for themselves."
"Women like to run, but they like to be caught even more."
"How does someone with a shred of decency even answer that? You don't."
"My displeasure is prominent as I say, 'Do you have any idea who it was? I would love to talk to them about stealing from me.'"
"Sometimes the happiest people are the saddest."
"The minute my foot hits the ground, a low chant begins, gaining in pitch as I approach the altar."
"I'm falling in love with my stalker. The shadow that haunts me in the night."
"P-p-please, I want my mommy," the little girl begs from below me.
"To enjoy something we poured our souls into, and come out of it feeling like you experienced this story right along with us."